NGC 4244 - Wikipedia
NGC 4244, also known as Caldwell 26, is an edge-on loose spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici, and is part of the M94 Group or Canes Venatici I Group, a galaxy group relatively close to the Local Group containing the Milky Way.
NGC 4244 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 4244,也稱為 科德韋爾26,是位於 獵犬座 並以側面朝向我們的一個 螺旋星系,也是 科德韋爾天體 之一。 它屬於 M94星系群 (獵犬座I星系群),相對來說很靠近 本星系群 ——我們 銀河系 所屬的星系群。 NGC 4244的光度在+10.2至+10.6等,天體座標位置是赤經RA 12 h 17.5 m,赤緯+37° 49′,接近肉眼能看見的G-型恆星 常陳四 、 棒渦星系 NGC 4151 、和 不規則星系 NGC 4214。 這個星系的距離大約為1300萬光年 [1] /14 million [2],紅移+243/493公里/秒 [1],位於 …
NGC 4244_百度百科
NGC 4244,也称为科德韦尔26,是位于 猎犬座 并以侧面朝向我们的一个 螺旋星系,也是科德韦尔天体之一。 属于M94星系群(猎犬座I星系群),相对来说很靠近 本星系群 ——我们 银河系 …
NGC4244 - AstroBin
My Mach2GTO mount tracks to 0.15 arc-seconds, plus polar alignment drift. My alignment is moderately good, so the total error is somewhere around 0.6 to 0.75 arc-seconds per minute. I planned to shoot 20s or 30s subs unguided, which keeps the drift at 0.5 pixels.
NGC 4244, The Silver Needle Galaxy - Astrodoc: …
2020年3月23日 · This is NGC 4244, the Silver Needle Galaxy, not to be confused with the Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565). It lies about 14 million light years from us, in Canes Venatici (the Hunting …
《NGC4244-银针星系》 - 巡星客
2025年1月2日 · NGC 4244,又名Caldwell 26 ,是猎犬座的一个侧向松散螺旋星系,是M94 星系群或猎犬座 I 星系群的一部分,该星系群距离包含银河系的本星系群相对较近。 在天空中,它位于肉眼可见的黄色恒星猎犬座 β附近,但也位于棒旋星系NGC 4151和不规则星系NGC 4214附近。
NGC4244, The Silver Needle Galaxy (Chris Plonski) - AstroBin
NGC4244 is commonly rereferred to as the Silver Needle Galaxy. It is a loose spiral galaxy seen nearly edge on. Numerous bright clumps of gas can be seen scattered across its length, along with dark dust lanes surrounding the galaxy’s core.
NGC-4244 The Silver Needle Galaxy - Galactic Images
2021年4月12日 · NGC 4244 Galaxy, also known as Caldwell 26 or The Silver Needle Galaxy is an edge-on loose spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici, and is part of the M94 Group or Canes Venatici I Group, a galaxy group relatively close to …
NGC 4244 - Spiral Galaxy in Canes Venatici - TheSkyLive.com
NGC 4244 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Canes Venatici constellation. NGC 4244 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its B magnitude of 10.71, NGC 4244 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 6 inches (150mm) or more.
NGC4244 - Stellar Scenes
撮影メモ: りょうけん座の西部に位置する,大変細長い見かけが特徴の銀河・NGC4244です。 りょうけん座α星・コルカロリのほぼ真西に7.5度離れたところに見つけることができます。 …
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