Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band | Raytheon - RTX
NGJ-MB operates at advanced ranges and can jam targets simultaneously. Raytheon's Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band is an advanced electronic attack system that denies, disrupts and degrades enemy technology, including communication tools and air-defense systems.
Raytheon AN / ALQ-249 NGJ(下一代干扰器) - 知乎专栏
The NGJ-MB, also known as the AN/ALQ-249, has been in development since approximately 2010, part of the three-pronged EW improvement program for the Super Hornet-based Growler.
NGJ-MB 组照 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NGJ 按计划将分三阶段进行研发,第一阶段是覆盖 2 GHz 到 6 GHz (多数大型 空中预警雷达,盾舰主雷达,远程地空导弹火控雷达的工作波段) 的中波段干扰吊舱 NGJ-MB,需在 EA-18G 两翼下分别挂载 1 具以实现全向覆盖。 第二阶段是覆盖 100 MHz 到 2 GHz 的低波段干扰吊舱 NGJ-LB,第三阶段是覆盖 6 GHz 到 18 GHz 的高波段干扰吊舱 NGJ-HB。 NGJ-LB 安装于机腹武器站,NGJ-HB 成对挂载于 NGJ-MB 外侧。 欲实现全向宽频段覆盖,EA-18G 需同时携带 5 具干扰 …
Next Generation Jammer - NAVAIR
The Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) System is an external carriage Airborne Electronic Attack capability for the EA-18G that will provide enhanced capabilities to disrupt,...
2022年9月8日 · NGJ分为三种干扰吊舱配置:Inc 1中频段[2GHz至6GHz]、Inc 2低频段[100MHz至2GHz]和Inc 3高频段[6GHz至18GHz]。 NGJ Inc 1结合了灵活的AESA阵列和全数字后端,允许快速波束控制和先进的干扰调制,能赋予EA-18G“咆哮者”电子战机在有强烈干扰的电磁频谱中的战斗 …
US Navy declares initial operational capability for the Next
2025年1月6日 · The U.S. Navy declared initial operational capability for the Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band (NGJ-MB) system in December, bringing a quantum leap in capability over legacy systems with drastic...
美国海军宣布NGJ-MB -下一代干扰机中频系统进入IOC
2025年1月11日 · ngj-mb使用最新的数字、基于软件和电子扫描阵列技术,并提供增强的aea能力,以破坏、拒绝和降低敌人的防空和地面通信系统。 “ngj-mb将提高我们的机队保持频谱优势的能力。产生新的能力对于应对当前和未来的威胁至关重要。
美军“下一代干扰机” (NGJ) 项目近况跟踪 - 安全内参 | 决策者的网 …
2020年11月14日 · 雷神公司ngj-mb采用了冲压空气涡轮发电机,这样设计的目的是为“咆哮者”提供比之前更大的功率,从而使其干扰能力达到前所未有的水平。 下一代干扰机-中频段的研发最早启动。
The NGJ-MB is an airborne electronic attack system. It consists of two pods, mounted under each EA-18G aircraft wing, which integrate with the AN/ ALQ-218 electronic warfare system and function as a radio frequency (RF) receiver and jammer.
The NGJ-MB is an airborne electronic attack (EA) system. It consists of two pods, mounted under each EA-18G aircraft wing, which integrate with the AN/ ALQ-218 electronic warfare system and function as a radio frequency (RF) receiver and jammer.