Next Generation Squad Weapon - Wikipedia
The Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) program is a United States military program created in 2017 by the U.S. Army to replace the 5.56mm M4 carbine, the M249 SAW light machine gun, and the 7.62mm M240 machine gun, with a common system of 6.8mm cartridges and to develop small arms fire-control systems for the new weapons.
美国官商催生的步枪项目——陆军“下一代班组武器”(NGSW)计 …
“NGSW-R”:采用6.8毫米口径的步枪、有枪带、消焰/消音器、清洁/维护配件和至少210发弹匣状态携带的弹药; “NGSW-AR”:采用6.8毫米口径的自动步枪(相当于我们的班用机枪)、有枪带(必须有)、两脚架、消焰/消音器、清洁/维护配件和至少210发弹匣、弹鼓或弹链状态携带的弹药; 显然新计划坚持步枪的弹匣供弹要求的同时,对机枪的供弹方式并没有唯一限定要求,弹匣,弹链等常规设计都可以接受。 2、除了上述要求,还有一些更进一步的要求,部分如下: (1)、 …
Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) Program - United …
The Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) Program is a family of products that consists of the Rifle (NGSW-R) and Automatic Rifle (NGSW-AR) that utilize a...
The Army Has Finally Fielded Its Next Generation Squad Weapons
2024年3月29日 · U.S. Army soldiers assigned to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, observe a Next-Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) machine gun with fire control during a Program Executive...
SIG SAUER - Next Generation Squad Weapon System to U.S. Army
2021年2月2日 · The SIG SAUER Lightweight Belt-Fed Machine Gun (NGSW-AR) doubles the effective range and is 40% lighter than the current M249 while maintaining the preferred belt-fed operation, with reduced felt recoil to increased accuracy.
The NGSW-R XM7 and the NGSW-AR XM250 are the planned replacements for the M4/ M4A1 carbine and M249 Squad Automatic Rifle used in the close . combat force (CCF) and security force assistance brigades (SFAB). The NGSW‑R is fielded with seven . 20-round magazines and will have selectable safe, semi-automatic, and automatic firing . modes. The ...
Army moving forward with Next Generation Squad Weapon …
2023年3月15日 · Last April, the Army awarded a contract to Sig Sauer to produce the Next Generation Squad Weapon — or NGSW — XM7 Rifle, XM250 Automatic Rifle and a 6.8mm family of ammunition to replace the M4A1...
Next Generation Squad Weapon - Media Rpgsite
2024年12月31日 · The NGSW-AR: A New Era of Automatic Weaponry. The NGSW Automatic Rifle (NGSW-AR) is designed to replace the M249 SAW, providing squads with a more powerful and reliable support weapon. Key features include: A belt-fed design for sustained automatic fire. A quick-change barrel system for rapid cooling and maintenance.
西格绍尔赢得“下一代班组武器”计划 6.8×51mm弹药才是关键因素
2022年4月30日 · 美国陆军项目经理要求NGSW投标方要让6.8mm弹丸获得一定的枪口初速,这导致其膛压峰值超过民用弹药可接受的范围。 西格绍尔表示“接受挑战”。
淘汰M4!美军下一代轻武器选定!6.8毫米放弃小口径丨轻武专栏_ …
2022年4月24日 · NGSW(Next Generation Squad Weapons),即下一代班组武器的计划,开始于2018年7月,当时美国陆军就决定要用一种6.8mm口径的班组武器,来取代现役的M4卡宾枪和M249轻机枪,当时的NGSW还只有一张潦草的概念图。