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Vortex ® is honored to deliver the Next Generation Squad Weapon-Fire Control (NGSW-FC) to the US Army. This 1-8x30 optic is built around our revolutionary Active Reticle ® technology and is based on many years of research and development.
Next Generation Squad Weapon - Wikipedia
The Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) program is a United States military program created in 2017 by the U.S. Army to replace the 5.56mm M4 carbine, the M249 SAW light machine gun, and the 7.62mm M240 machine gun, with a common system of 6.8mm cartridges and to develop small arms fire-control systems for the new weapons.
Vortex Optics XM157 Overview: NGSW-FC - GunsAmerica.com
2023年5月6日 · Last year the Army awarded Vortex Optics the contract for the Next Generation Squad Weapon-Fire Control program to include the design and production of the XM157. The contract for the NGSW-FC includes a provision to build up to 250,000 XM157s during the next decade at a starting price of around $2.7 billion.
Army finally picks an optic for Next Generation Squad Weapon
2022年1月7日 · The NGSW-FC will replace the close combat optic, rifle combat optic and machine gun optic. But neither the optic nor the weapon will be “pure fleeted” anytime soon, meaning all soldiers and ...
美国官商催生的步枪项目——陆军“下一代班组武器”(NGSW)计 …
“NGSW-AR”:采用6.8毫米口径的自动步枪(相当于我们的班用机枪)、有枪带(必须有)、两脚架、消焰/消音器、清洁/维护配件和至少210发弹匣、弹鼓或弹链状态携带的弹药; 显然新计划坚持步枪的弹匣供弹要求的同时,对机枪的供弹方式并没有唯一限定要求,弹匣,弹链等常规设计都可以接受。 2、除了上述要求,还有一些更进一步的要求,部分如下: (1)、步枪、机枪子弹必须是同一种6.8毫米弹药,这种弹药暂定为“XM1186”; (2)、如果机枪也用弹匣、弹鼓供 …
xTechSoldier Fire Control – xTechSearch
2025年2月27日 · The U.S. Army invites interested entities to participate in the xTechSoldier Fire Control competition, a competition for eligible small and large businesses across the globe to showcase their...
The NGSW-FC rapid fielding consists of the XM157 fire control and was approved as an MTA rapid fielding program in July 2021. The Army approved an urgent materiel release for the fire control in March 2024. The Army intends to transition the NGSW-FC from the MTA rapid fielding pathway to the MCA pathway in 3QFY26.
XM157 Next Generation Squad Weapons – Fire Control
The NGSW-FC is the planned replacement for the Close Combat Optic, Rifle Combat Optic, and Machine Gun Optic within the Close Combat Force (Infantry, Cavalry Scouts and Combat Engineers). The...
Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) Program - United …
The Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) Program is a family of products that consists of the Rifle (NGSW-R) and Automatic Rifle (NGSW-AR) that utilize a common 6.8mm ammunition. The NGSW-R and...
根据外媒的评价,XM157火控系统是一款“革命性的智能光学和通信系统”,“将大大降低充分掌握XM5步枪和6.8×51mm混合枪弹所需的技能”,也就是说可以降低使用新型枪械的技能要求。 XM157火控系统的主要配置有低倍率可变倍光学瞄具、显示覆盖层、激光测距仪、弹道计算机、环境传感器、激光瞄准器、数字罗盘、无线通信等,真正做到了光电火控与通信系统的完美组合。 特点详解. 低倍率可变倍光学瞄准镜. XM157火控系统的光学部分是基于1-8×30低倍率可变倍光 …