WELCOME | The National Hip-Hop Museum - NHHM Official Site
Hip-Hop 商店是国家嘻哈博物馆的零售店,专营稀有和复古的嘻哈纪念品和手工艺品。 从服装到黑胶唱片,再到可动人偶,再到运动鞋、海报、书籍和艺术品——Hip-Hop 商店激发了那些在 …
April is National Healthy Homes Month - HUD.gov
In 2024, we’re celebrating National Healthy Homes Month in April. This year’s theme MAKING AN IMPACT: Healthy, Safe, and Resilient Homes highlights the daily benefits and impacts of …
WELCOME | The National Hip-Hop Museum | Art Gallery in DC
Established in 2019, the National Hip-Hop Museum of Washington DC is the world's first hip-hop museum. As the leading organization in hip-hop preservation, history and education, this 501 …
NHHM Week-by-Week Overview - HUD.gov
Focus: Recognize the critical role of housing professionals in creating and maintaining healthy homes. Target Audiences: Housing and Health Sector Stakeholders, Policymakers, Elected …
Healthy Homes (HUD OLHCHH). NHHM is an opportunity to bring together individuals, community-based and nonprofit organizations, industry, governments (state, tribal, and local), …
National Healthy Homes Month | NCHH
2024年4月16日 · April is National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM), created by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Lead Hazard Control and …
our community for NHHM. By organizing activities and events online, you can both increase awareness and educate your community on actions they can take to make all homes healthie. …
National Handicrafts and Handlooms Museum - Wikipedia
The National Handicrafts and Handlooms Museum (NHHM) commonly known as National Crafts Museum in New Delhi is one of the largest crafts museums in India. It is run by the Ministry of …
建物の継承と、このお屋敷と国指定名勝を活用して「茶道」「華道」の文化体験、お屋敷内から庭園を見ながら頂けるお食事やスイーツの提供など計画しております。 詳細はホームペー …
NHHM | 「ホテル運営」「地域創生、活性化」そして「人財」の …
ホテル受託事業、事業創生に特化したビジネスをする企業体です。 NHHMは「心を耕せる」企業であり続けます・・・・・・。 22023年NHHMは、大きく舵を切ります。 創生事業を新た …