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World-class horticultural research, innovation & enterprise cluster, led by NIAB
BAPL/Niab Apple and Pear Technical Day - 10 February 2025
Feb 10, 2025 · Niab and British Apples and Pears Ltd are co-hosting an Apple and Pear Technical Day on Monday 10th February. This will be a hybrid event, where delegates can either attend in person at The Mumford Building at Niab’s East Malling site in Kent, or attend on-line by streaming the event live.
East Malling | NIAB
Based on the 200+ ha original site of the East Malling and Wye Fruit Experimental Station, near Maidstone in Kent, Niab's East Malling site includes offices, laboratories, field and glasshouse facilities, alongside research, trials and commercial horticultural and arable land.
Cambridge - Lawrence Weaver Road | NIAB
The Lawrence Weaver Road site in Cambridge, based on Niab's original Old Granary and John Bingham Laboratory site and opened in February 2020, is home to the Crop Science Centre, Niab's partnership with the University of Cambridge, …
Locations | NIAB
The Niab Seed Handling Unit (SHU) is located on Whitehouse Lane, off Huntingdon Road. The Lawrence Weaver Road site in Cambridge, opened in early 2020, is home to the Crop Science Centre, our partnership with the University of Cambridge.
Staff | NIAB
Dr Mark Else Head of Crop Science and Production Systems - East Malling
Dr Stéphanie Swarbreck | NIAB
In particular, we will pinpoint the role of strigolactone in wheat nitrogen responsiveness and its downregulation under increasing nitrogen availability. Exploiting novel wheat genotypes for regenerative agriculture (TMAF funded- 2022-2028) Co-I with Dr Nathan Morris (NIAB- …
Sustainability Trial for Arable Rotations (STAR) | NIAB
May 27, 2021 · Part of NIAB’s charitably funded strategic rotation research programme, the STAR (Sustainability Trial for Arable Rotations) project is a fully replicated field-scale study, based in Suffolk and supported by The Felix Thornley Cobbold Trust.
Seed certification & crop inspectors | NIAB
Niab has trained many generations of crop inspectors and seed analysts from across the UK agricultural industry. Our training, including refresher courses, is based around the seed certification schemes.
Seed potato disease testing | NIAB
NIAB LabTest provides assessment of fungal, bacterial and viral infections of tuber samples. Such assessments enable high quality seed to be identified, highlights potential problems ahead of planting and supports development of targeted IPM strategies.