Surface composition and structure of Ni–Cr sputtered coatings …
2007年3月1日 · Nichrome coatings have been deposited using the d.c. sputtering of the target (80% Ni–20% Cr wt.) by Ar + ions at a working pressure of 10 −1 Pa and at room temperature. After the air exposure of samples at room temperature, their phase composition and structure was studied by X-ray diffraction, while the surface elemental composition was ...
The Cr−Ni (Chromium-Nickel) system | Journal of Phase Equilibria
82Kar: L. Karamazin, “Lattice Parameter Studies of Structure Changes of Ni−Cr Alloys in the Region of Ni 2 Cr,”Mater. Sci. Eng., 54, 247–256 (1982). (Thermo, Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental) Article Google Scholar 82Rhy: J.J. Rhyne, “Magnetic Phase Transition Temperatures of the Elements,”Bull.
Structure and surface composition of NiCr sputtered thin films
2006年5月1日 · Analysis of phase composition showed that the NiCr thin films were a solid solution of chromium in a nickel matrix with increased nickel lattice parameters. LEIS analysis showed the presence of...
Structural and electrochemical properties of Nichrome anode …
2008年1月6日 · Nickel enters interstitially into Cr Lattice providing space for Li. Nickel can promote the diffusion of lithium in the of alloy materials and effectively prevents the production of dendrites. SEM suggests that with repeated cycling, some Li gets trapped within the Li–Ni alloy, unable to dealloy during the discharge process.
Nichrome vs Copper Resistance: What’s the Difference?
2024年12月12日 · Nichrome is an alloy composed of nickel, chromium, and sometimes iron, resulting in a more complex crystal lattice structure compared to the uniform lattice of pure copper. This complexity introduces grain boundaries, dislocations, and voids, which cause increased electron scattering and higher resistivity.
Nichrome - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The arriving atoms can occupy one of the available vacant lattice sites (vacancy) on the surface, and the atoms which have vacancies in the adjacent lattice sites are the candidates to perform a diffusion jump. Using the rigid lattice approximation ensures the finite number of possible discrete jumps. At each KMC step, the total rate
Short-range order and mechanical properties of nichrome
2009年2月1日 · Electron diffraction studies show that the short-range-ordered state which exists in commercially heat-treated Nimonic 80A transforms to a long-range-ordered structure Ni2Cr during long-term aging...
In-situ study of the process of self-propagating high-temperature ...
2022年2月1日 · Time-resolved X-ray diffraction was used to study in-situ the SHS process of a material based on titanium carbide with a nichrome binder. It was found that the synthesis proceeds by a direct reaction between titanium and carbon black with the melting of the nichrome binder, which is inert to the starting reagents and synthesis products.
Thin films of nichrome were deposited by d.c. sputtering of a target (80%Ni – 20%Cr w.t.) by Ar+ ions at a working pressure of 10-1 Pa and at room temperature. The phase composition and grain size were studied by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), while the surface chemical composition was determined by Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS). Analysis of
The solute slows power-law creep throughout the field: the 10% nichrome creeps roughly 10 times more slowly than pure nickel, at a given stress and temperature; and the 20% nichrome creeps almost 3 times slower still.