Nigga - Wikipedia
Nigga (/ ˈ n ɪ ɡ ə /), also known as "the N-word", is a colloquial term in African-American Vernacular English that is considered vulgar in many contexts. It began as a dialect form of the word nigger, an ethnic slur against black people.
10 Reasons the N-Word Is the Greatest Word in the English …
2018年4月6日 · 1. Because “nigga” rhymes with a shitload of things, which comes in handy during freestyle rap cyphers at 3 a.m. at IHOP.
對黑種人的稱呼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在非裔美國人之間也有較中性的改寫法「 nigga ( 英语 : nigga ) 」,但依然極具冒犯性,除了黑人之外,其他人種使用時必會引起爭議。 2007年2月28日, 紐約市政府 禁用此攻击性语言, 歌詞 含有此字彙的歌曲將不予颁发 葛萊美獎 ,但不會有任何處分 [ 17 ] [ 18
亂說話小心惹禍上身 黑人教你Nigga詞的真正意義 | ETtoday生活新聞 | ETtoday新聞雲
2017年8月18日 · Nigga(以下稱The N-Word) 對於黑人來說是不好的稱呼,有黑鬼、老黑的意思,歧視意味濃厚。 舉例來說,成龍(Jackie Chan)跟塔克(Chris Tucker)主演的《尖峰時刻》(Rush Hour)電影中,還不懂美國文化的成龍看到塔克對黑人說”What’s up nigga”後,竟然也有樣學樣地打招呼,當場引發黑人的不滿,認為一個亞洲人怎麼可以說出如此歧視的言論。...
How the n-word became the ‘atomic bomb of racial slurs’ - PBS
2016年10月25日 · Its effect can be explosive and painful: Harvard University professor Randall Kennedy has traced the history of the N-word to understand the evolution of the infamous racial slur.
The N-Word and How To Use It - Chicago Reader
1997年12月18日 · They ask, How can any self-respecting black person stand to use it? Why do black kids call each other “my nigga” in such endearing tones, privately as well as publicly?
The History Of The N-Word - Media Centre - BBC
2014年6月21日 · Perhaps the most inflammatory is the N-word. The proxy barely disguises the racial insult, ‘nigger’, which has topped lists of ugly and hateful words since it was first uttered in the 17th century....
NIGGA: The 21st‐Century Theoretical Superhero - NEAL - 2013
2013年7月26日 · Throughout the recording, N.W.A. employ the terms “nigga” and “niggaz” to construct a distinct black masculinity that wallows in homophobia, misogyny, and sexual violence but clearly also represents an attempt to locate an authentic self in the midst of increasing commodification, surveillance, and mediation of the images of said ...
Youth Radio: Understanding The N-Word - WUNC
2015年8月24日 · Youth Reporter Marcus Williams explores whether it is alright to use the word "nigger," a racially charged word. The word is used throughout his piece and may offend some listeners. What's...
The n-word: An entrenched racial slur now more prevalent than …
2014年11月9日 · A diverse set of Americans discuss the nuance of a word that is seen as both hateful and colloquial. A word that is used 500,000 times a day on Twitter — as “nigga” is, according to search data...