Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems Program - Homeland Security
2014年1月16日 · The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) uses Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technologies to conduct inspections of cargo and conveyances for contraband as part of its mission to stop illicit imports to facilitate lawful travel and trade.
VACIS Non-Intrusive X-Ray Inspection Systems - Leidos
VACIS ® MLX is the newest solution in the VACIS product line and features the shortest wheelbase and the lightest weight in its class. This new high-energy X-ray system combines versatile mobility with technology that is proven through hundreds of VACIS system deployments.
Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technology enables CBP to detect contraband (e.g., narcotics and weapons) and materials that pose potential nuclear and radiological threats. Technologies deployed to our Nation’s land, sea, and air ports of entry include large-scale X-ray and Gamma-ray imaging systems, as well as a variety of porta -
CBP Announces Solicitation for NII Anomaly Detection Algorithm
2023年4月14日 · ADA solutions will provide computer-assisted analysis of NII images and other data that will allow for an increase in the thoroughness of inspections, reduce the time needed to conduct review of low-risk trade and travel, and support the analysis of complex inspections by CBP officers while minimizing human labor demands.
CBP Officers use NII systems to help them effectively and efficiently detect and prevent contraband, including drugs, unreported currency, guns, ammunition, and other illegal merchandise, as well as inadmissible persons, from being smuggled into the United States, while having a minimal impact on the flow of legitimate travel and commerce.
PNNL has a long history of integrating non-intrusive inspection (NII) equipment in all forms. PNNL understands the real-world challenges of integrating AI with deployed operational systems, and the rigorous quality assurance required to build trusted models and software.
2018年11月23日 · One of the main tasks of the TEG-NII is to promote synergies between the Customs and the Industry to develop a standard NII data format with the purpose to facilitate interoperability of different NII equipment provided by different manufacturers/vendors; to facilitate exchange of images in a unified file format within and between Customs admini...
A key aspect to CBP’s layered strategy is the use of non-intrusive inspection (NII) systems to inspect larger portions of the stream of traffic safely, quickly, and effectively. In FY 2022, CBP officers utilized approximately 370 large scale NII systems to scan almost 8 million
医疗AI图像数据格式那点儿东西 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
单独的.nii格式文件的优势就是可以用标准的压缩软件(如gzip),而且一些分析软件包(比如FSL)可以直接读取和写入压缩的.nii文件(扩展名为.nii.gz)。 由于NIFTI格式逐步取代了Analyze格式的关系,因此NIfTI格式也可使用独立的图像文件(.img)和头文件(.hdr)。 使用ITK-snap软件读取: 使用方法可以参阅: 代码读取: 来源于 (LUNA2016),每个病人数据包含: 以深度学习研究医学影像已成为医学图像分析研究热点。 一、DICOM数据格式简单的说,一 …
xiangruili/dicm2nii: DICOM to NIfTI conversion, NIfTI tools - GitHub
Convert DICOM into NIfTI. It can also convert PAR/XML/REC, HEAD/BRIK, MGZ and BrainVoyager files into NIfTI.