Nikon 200mm f/4 AI - KenRockwell.com
2019年12月5日 · The Nikon 200mm f/4 is a great lens. It has great optical and mechanical performance in a light, compact package. You can get them cheap today simply because AF zooms have become more popular, even though the 200 f/4 AI has better optical performance. This 200mm is extremely well made, far better than the AF lenses mechanically.
Nikon 200mm f/4 AF-D Macro - KenRockwell.com
The 200mm f4 AF works great with almost every film and digital Nikon camera made since 1977. If you have a coupling prong added to the diaphragm ring, it's perfect with every Nikon back to the original Nikon F of 1959.
尼康AF Micro 200mm f/4D IF-ED镜头评测 - ZOL
2012年6月1日 · 尼康AF Micro 200mm f/4D IF-ED镜头为8组13片设计。 该镜头最近对焦距离为0.5m,对角线视角为12度20分,最大放大倍率为1倍,适合拍摄一些微小的景物,并能够得到锐利的图像,是专业摄影师经常使用的一支镜头。
尼康(中国) - AF-S 尼克尔 200mm f/2G ED VR II - 产品介绍
- 200mm快速定焦远摄镜头,最大光圈为 f/2 - 内置减震(vr ii)功能,可有效补偿相机震动引起的模糊,相当于把快门速度提高约4档 - 配备三种对焦模式,m/a、m和a/m - 采用纳米结晶涂层,可大幅降低鬼影和眩光 - 包含3枚ed(超低色散)镜片和1枚超级ed镜片
尼康(中国) - AF 微距尼克尔 200mm f/4D IF-ED - 产品介绍
远摄微距镜头,适用于近摄和自然景物的拍摄。 尼克尔镜头具有清晰,锐利,对焦准确的特点,可实现安静快速的自动对焦,是专业摄影师的首选镜头精品。
Nikon AF FX Micro-NIKKOR 200mm f/4D IF-ED Fixed Zoom Lens …
2002年9月22日 · Nikon AF Micro-NIKKOR 200mm f/4.0D IF-ED lens features superior Micro NIKKOR technology, which is legendary in the discriminating world of close-up photography. This exceptional lens is adept at striking a balance between remarkable clarity and ease-of-use: with reproduction ratios of up to 1: 1 without additional accessories.
Nikon AF FX NIKKOR 200mm f/2G ED Vibration Reduction II …
2010年9月13日 · Incorporating the superior optical design and features of its predecessor plus Nikon's second generation Vibration Reduction (VR II) image stabilization system with tripod detection mode, Nano Crystal Coat (N) for minimal ghosting and lens flare and much more, the AF-S NIKKOR 200mm f/2G ED VR II is the lens of choice for serious photographers wh...
AF-S NIKKOR 200MM F/2G ED VR II | Nikon 香港
AF-S NIKKOR 200mm f/2G ED VR II結合了其前身的卓越光學設計和功能,以及 Nikon 第二代減震 (VR II) 影像穩定系統和三腳架檢測模式、納米晶體塗層 (N) 可大大抑制鬼影和鏡頭眩光等,是想要在最苛刻條件下拍攝清晰影像的嚴格攝影師之首選鏡頭。
Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D IF-ED Review - Photography …
5 天之前 · NIKON Z 7 + 200mm f/4 @ 200mm, ISO 64, 2 seconds, f/7.1. The next page of this review covers the optical characteristics of the AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D, including focusing performance and sharpness tests in the lab. So, click the menu below to …
Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D ED-IF Overview
1993年10月1日 · The Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm F4D ED-IF is a telephoto lens designed for macro photography. The main reason why a longer focal length is attractive for closeups is that you can shoot your subjects from further away. This lens offers a relatively long 10.2 inch working distance, but lacks some of the bells and whistles of newer Nikon products.
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