Nikon D70 won't power on - The Photography Forum
2013年6月17日 · I have a Nikon D70 and I have charged 2 different batteries and it won't turn on at all. I love this camera and can't figure out what I am doing wrong! Any help/ advice would be appreciated! Thank you!
Card Cannot Be Used On Nikon D70 - The Photography Forum
2014年6月20日 · I have a Nikon D70 and one day my camera said "the card could not be used" and I put the CF card into another dslr and it worked perfectly fine on that one. I only had five pictures on that card if that matters. Then I bought a brand new CF card and the camera said it needed to be formatted, so...
Nikon D70s autofocus problems | The Photography Forum
2009年10月19日 · I have D70S, with a 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 VR (this exact lens Nikon DX 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 VR Lens Review: 1. Introduction: Digital Photography Review ). My Aunt has the same body as me, D70s, with a Tamron 28-75 2.8 (This exact lens: Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di LD Lens Review ). This comes into play later, trying to diagnose my problem.
Nikon D70 giving issues with CF cards - The Photography Forum
2014年12月29日 · I had a D70 with the same problem and it was due to the pins on the connector. First look into the cf card slot, with the card removed, and see if the pins are straight. If they look straight, it may be that one of the pins has been driven into the card and no longer reaches into the cf card far enough. Exactly on point articles D70s Camera Repair How-To | …
My Great Battery Grip for Nikon D70/D70S!! - thephotoforum.com
2007年6月12日 · As the D70/D70s do not have a dedicated nikon grip, I was searching for a battery grip for my D70 for a long time. And finally I have bought one from Hong Kong Jenis company. That's so cool!!It has a vertical shuteer button and can hold two lithium batteries or six AA batteries. The outlook, the...
Which Nikon DSLRs have built-in AF motors? - The Photography …
2012年12月16日 · Follow up question - looks like the D70 is a 6MP, D80 is 10MP and D90 is 12MP. Assuming someone is an amateur/beginner just trying to learn SLR photography how much would I notice the difference from 6-10-12 MP?
Nikon D70 Exposure metering - The Photography Forum
2006年7月13日 · Hi I have just purchased a second hand Nikon D70 which I think is a lovely camera to use with lots of good features but the only problem I am having is that all the pictures are under exposed and I have to adjust them in the software does anyone else have the same problem or am I doing something...
Photo Problems with D70s - CCD Problem? | The Photography …
2005年10月12日 · Hi there, has someone experienced such a problem with Nikon D70s (or other models)? The camera started today suddenly to make photos like this: The brighter parts are badly screwed, the photos are can not be used. The camera is about 6 years old and worked perfectly until now. I didn't do...
Nikon D70 won't turn on ! | The Photography Forum
2013年6月17日 · I have a Nikon D70 and i have tried putting in 2 fully charged batteries and it still won't turn on. There is nothing on either display. I love this camera and I can't figure out what I have done wrong. Any help/advice would be appreciated! Thank you!
D50 or the D70 ? | The Photography Forum
2021年3月27日 · Hello, As is true to my usual fashion, before I go back to school in September (hopefully as a new law student!) I want to spend a good chunk of the money I earned this summer as a present to myself. Here's my question. I've been looking a lot at the Nikon D50 and D70 because I'd like to really...