Expert Voice Stress Analysis Software & Lie Detector Test | NFS
Extensive testing and validation trials of the first-generation FACT® demonstrated an accuracy rate consistently exceeding 96%, with a false-positive rate of less than 0.7%. The FACT improves upon this already exceptional level of accuracy, and has demonstrated accuracy rates above 98%, with a false-positive rate of less than 0.5%.
Schedules - NITV Federal Services | The manufacturer of the …
2025年3月17日 · Our Expert Instructors conduct the widely acclaimed and intensive five-day CVSA® certification course, which is hosted by select law enforcement agencies across the USA. With small class sizes, there is ample hands-on instruction in the use of the CVSA.
The CVSA Certified Examiners Course: Your Start to a Career in …
NITV FS’ world class instructors will be teaching you during the acclaimed, intensive five-day CVSA® ‘Certified Examiners Course’ hosted by select law enforcement agencies across the USA. Utilized the CVSA in major crime investigations, intelligence gathering, …
Training - NACVSA
2025年3月18日 · The NACVSA conducts re-certification courses in conjunction with NITV Federal Services at selected locations across the U.S., which are usually hosted by law enforcement agencies. We encourage you to join the National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysts as it actively advocates on behalf of CVSA examiners and provides tremendous ...
Vidda 海信电视75英寸 R75 2025款 一级能效 144Hz高刷 2+32G 换 …
Vidda 海信电视75英寸 R75 2025款 一级能效 144Hz高刷 2+32G 换新家电国家补贴液晶游戏电视75V1Q-R 2999 已售65台 降价提醒
Note 4) When measuring NITV analog output from 1 to 5 VDC, if the load impedance is less than 100 kΩ, the analog output monitor accuracy of ±6% F.S. or less may not be available. ... L1 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 L2 110.5 123 148 160.5 173 185.5 198 223 235.5 Weight of DIN rail [g] 20 22 27 29 31 34 36 41 43 52 18 L1 L2 104.5 11.5 4.3 ...
2017年1月1日 · The NITV® conducts a widely acclaimed intensive training course for those that will be utilizing the CVSA® III (Computer Voice Stress Analyzer). NITV’s Certified Examiners Course (CEC) is a five day training event.
E/P Regulator NITV0000 Series - zhnnt.com
Nitv type electric proportional valve is independently developed by Guangdong Nuo Nengtai Automation Technology Co., Ltd. It adopts high-speed switching solenoid valve and uses PWM pulse modulation in control, so that it can achieve high control accuracy and is widely used in the printing industry.
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NNT电气比例阀NITV1000 气压连续调节 远程可控
NITV Federal Services
NITV Federal Services is the manufacturer and sole source for the patented Computer Voice Stress Analyzer® III. The CVSA® III is a technological achievement in detecting deception born from a desire to achieve the most accurate results in truth verification for law enforcement, government, and the military.