CD38靶点简介:具有免疫抑制作用的特异性蛋白 - 知乎
CD38(Cluster of Differentiation 38)于1980年被科学家E.L. Reinherz和S.F. Schlossman等人发现。 当时的研究认为CD38是T细胞激活的特异性marker,而对其生物学功能则没有进行过多的研究。 后来的研究过程中, CD38功能的谜团被逐步揭开,研究人员最终发现CD38是位于细胞表面的重要的代谢酶,它的产物在免疫调节的过程中发挥了重要的功能。 CD38的酶活性表现为催化 NAD+ 转化为 ADPR 、 cADPR 、NAM等代谢物,CD38的这个活性对维持体内NAD …
CD38 knockout natural killer cells expressing an affinity optimized ...
2022年2月1日 · There is a strong biological rationale for the augmentation of allogeneic natural killer (NK) cell therapies with a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) to enhance acute myeloid leukemia (AML) targeting. CD38 is an established immunotherapeutic target in multiple myeloma and under investigation as a targ …
CD38 deletion of human primary NK cells eliminates …
2020年11月19日 · We used the CRISPR/Cas9 system to delete CD38 (CD38KO) in ex vivo expanded peripheral blood NK cells. These CD38KO NK cells were completely resistant to DARA-induced fratricide, showed superior persistence in immune-deficient mice pretreated with DARA, and enhanced ADCC activity against CD38-expressing MM cell lines and primary MM cells.
有趣的“死循环”,CD38靶点开发策略的“烧脑”生态圈 - 知乎
研究发现敲除CD38的NK细胞可以有效的消除Daratumumab介导的NK细胞的残杀并且增强NK细胞的功能,这种增强在一定程度上依赖于CD38敲除后的代谢重编程。 既然NK细胞敲除CD38之后出现了增强细胞药效的现象,那么同样表达CD38的 T细胞 是不是也可以通过敲除该基因来 ...
Epigenetic regulation of CD38/CD48 by KDM6A mediates NK cell …
2024年2月14日 · In summary, our data reveal a molecular mechanism whereby KDM6A mediates ADCC not only through regulating CD38 but also by modulating NK activity through CD48 regulation, demonstrating the ...
CD38 敲除原代 NK 细胞以防止“自相残杀”并提高 Daratumumab
为了检查 cd38ko-nk 细胞的功能状态,我们使用了 6 个具有不同 cd38 表达水平的 mm 细胞系(lp-1、rpmi8226、h929、mm.1s、opm-2、和 kms-11) 以及从新诊断或复发患者的骨髓中分离的三个 cd38+cd138+ 原发性 mm 样本。
Roles of CD38 in the Immune Response to Infection - PMC
CD38 is a multifunctional transmembrane protein that is widely expressed in immune cells. In lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, granulocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells, the expression levels of CD38 on the cell surface depend on the stage of maturation and/or activation of the cell (reviewed in ).
CD38-CAR human NK cells in combination with ATRA
2024年12月1日 · CD38-CAR NK and T cells showed enhanced killing toward CD38-expressing hematologic malignancies. ATRA upregulates CD38, enhancing the activity of CD38-CAR NK cells against resistant CD38-low tumor cells. CD38 is a metabolically active enzyme broadly expressed on the surface of normal and malignant hematologic cells.
Nicotinamide-Expanded Allogeneic Natural Killer Cells with CD38 ...
2023年12月7日 · We have developed genetically engineered NK cells tailored to treat MM, in which CD38 was knocked-out using CRISPR-Cas9 technology and an enhanced chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) targeting CD38 was introduced using mRNA electroporation.
CD38 expression and function in NK cells. (A) Role of CD38 in …
NK cells constitutively express CD38 molecule [50], while CD38 + T lymphocytes are considered activated [51]. Earlier, we have shown both CD56 − and CD56 + T cells had the highest levels of...