CD16 - Wikipedia
CD16 plays a significant role in early activation of natural killer (NK) cells following vaccination. In addition, CD16 downregulation represents a possible way to moderate NK cell responses and maintain immune homeostasis in both T cell and antibody-dependent signaling pathways. [10]
NK cell CD16 surface expression and function is regulated by a ...
Activated NK cells loose CD16 (FcRγIII) and CD62L through a metalloprotease called ADAM17. Inhibition of ADAM17 enhances CD16 mediated NK cell function by preserving CD16 on the NK cell surface to enhance ADCC.
2023年2月13日 · nk细胞可通过cd16受体介导的adcc,杀死igg1或igg3抗体靶向的细胞。nk细胞表面cd16的不同形态,会影响cd16与抗体fc端的亲和力。 具体来说,cd16蛋白第158位的氨基酸为苯丙氨酸(158f)时,与fc的亲和力低,而这一位置上的氨基酸为缬氨酸(158v)时,与fc的亲和力 …
NK cell CD16 surface expression and function is regulated by a ... - PubMed
2013年5月2日 · The Fc receptor CD16 is present on essentially all CD56(dim) peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells. Upon recognition of antibody-coated cells it delivers a potent signal to NK cells, which eliminate targets through direct killing and cytokine production. Here we investigated the regulation of CD16 surface expression after NK cell activation.
Distinct CD16a features on human NK cells observed by flow …
2024年4月4日 · Improving the NK cell response, either through enhancing NK cell responses or identifying features of NK cells with superior cytotoxic potential, is widely expected to improve treatment...
Comparison of the different anti-CD16 antibody clones in the
2023年6月11日 · CD16 (Fcγ receptor III) is a receptor expressed on NK cells that facilitates antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) by binding to the Fc portion of various antibodies. The enhancement...
CD16 is indispensable for antibody-dependent cellular ... - Nature
2016年9月27日 · CD16, the FcγRIIIA, is essential for ADCC by NK cells, and is also expressed by a subset of human blood monocytes. We found that human CD16− expressing monocytes have a broad spectrum of ADCC...
2022年9月26日 · 根据CD16、CD56表达的差异,可以将NK细胞分为两大亚型:CD56 dim CD16 + NK和CD56 bright CD16-NK。 CD56 bright NK - 细胞是强有力的细胞因子产生者,但缺乏CD16a;而CD56 dim CD16 + 具有高度的细胞毒性,能表达CD16a[1]。
2025年3月8日 · Zhang等通过增强CD16信号通路,使CAR-NK细胞同时靶向CD33和B16,提高了细胞毒性四倍,同时保持良好的安全性。 CD123 Morgan等通过基因工程改造NK细胞,使其持续产生IL-15并表达抗CD123 CAR,显著延长了NK细胞的存活时间并增强了抗白血病效果。
Harnessing CD16-Mediated NK Cell Functions to Enhance
2021年5月20日 · Natural killer (NK) cells hold a pivotal role in tumor-targeting monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based activity due to the expression of CD16, the low-affinity receptor for IgG. Indeed, beyond exerting cytotoxic function, activated NK cells also produce an array of cytokines and chemokines, through which …