NMV 5000 DCG - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
Efficient use of multi-tip turning tools with more than one cutting edge on turn & mi… Your plus for productivity and know-how. Get the maximum out of your machine! We offer you an availability rate on spare parts through all DMG MORI technology … Go forward with the right financing. Discover exclusive content with your DMG MORI Account. Max.
NMV5000 DCG | Products | DMG MORI
2016年10月11日 · The NMV 5000 DCG is a 5-axis, vertical machining center equipped with the DMG MORI original technologies: the DDM (Direct Drive Motor) to achieves zero backlash, the DCG (Driven at the Center of Gravity) to control vibration for higher acceleration, and the ORC (Octagonal Ram Construction) to ensure high-speed, high-precision feed.
NMV 5000 DCG - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
只需几步,轻松完成刀具长度的手动测量和工件定心操作测量中提供操作说明。 安全工艺解决方案和高效使用重要加工步骤解决方案应用:刀柄清洁、刀具数据… 根据工作台负载,基于工艺 …
NMV Series - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
NMV Series - 5-axis CNC milling machines and 5-axis CNC milling centers from DMG MORI
NMV系列 - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
NMV系列5轴数控立式加工中心,采用DMG MORI原创技术打造: 自主研发的DDM(DirectDrive直驱电机)无反向间隙,提供高可靠性保证;DCG(重心驱动)降低振动和提高加速度;ORC(八角滑枕结构)提供高速、高精度进给性能。
NMV 5000 DCG | 製品 | DMG MORI
2023年6月20日 · NMV5000 DCGは、バックラッシゼロを実現するDDM(ダイレクト・ドライブ方式モータ)、振動を抑制し加速度を高めるDCG(重心駆動)、高速・高精度な送りを実現するORC(オクタゴナルラム)というDMG MORIの独自技術を搭載した5軸制御立形マシニングセンタです。 ワンクランプで把握部以外の全加工が可能となり、最大φ700×450mmの複雑形状ワークの高効率・高品位加工を実現します。 お客様毎に専任スタッフがご案内いたします。 …
Dmg Mori Seiki NMV5000DCG - Specifications, Price & Reviews
Explore the capabilities, specifications, upgrades, and industry applications of the Dmg Mori Seiki NMV5000DCG. Find out the estimated price range for base, optional, and fully loaded versions. Delve into its industry uses, pros and cons, competitors, technical support availability, and …
Datasheet DMG Mori nmv5000 & nmv8000 | PDF | Friction
Transmitting the drive power directly to the rotary axes without using gears eliminates backlash. Compared with conventional worm gear systems, this dramatically improves transmission efficiency and offers high-speed feed.
NMV 5000 DCG-五轴立式加工中心-德马吉森精机机床贸易有限公司
2017年9月25日 · 全新NMV 5000 DCG 五轴立式加工中心 配置*,工作台结构设计合理,直接驱动B轴和C轴动态性能好和刚性大,转速高。 由于采用无悬臂的Box-in-Box(套箱)结构和Z轴为八角滑枕,因此稳定性好。
Gear Production + by NMV 5000 DCG | Products | DMG MORI
2016年4月29日 · we have developed a gear grinding unit and installed it on our 5-axis vertical machining center NMV 5000 DCG. When combined with Technology Cycles (e.g. gearSKIVING), this allows for a variety of processes from turning and milling to gear roughing and finishing of external gears up to φ400 mm and internal gears up to φ120-430 mm, 2-6 mm gear ...