Nitrogen-13 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
13 N is a radioisotope of the element nitrogen with a half-life of just under 10 minutes. The atomic nucleus of the nulide is composed of 6 neutrons and the 7 element-specific protons.
Nitrogen-13 - Wikipedia
Nitrogen-13 (13 N) is a radioisotope of nitrogen used in positron emission tomography (PET). It has a half-life of a little under ten minutes, so it must be made at the PET site. A cyclotron may be used for this purpose. Nitrogen-13 is used to tag ammonia molecules for PET myocardial perfusion imaging.
Isotopes of nitrogen - Wikipedia
Natural nitrogen (7 N) consists of two stable isotopes: the vast majority (99.6%) of naturally occurring nitrogen is nitrogen-14, with the remainder being nitrogen-15. Thirteen radioisotopes are also known, with atomic masses ranging from 9 to 23, along with three nuclear isomers.
化学元素手册·氮·(19)N 13 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
氮-13 是氮的人造放射性同位素之一, 半衰期 很短,具有高度放射性。 氮-13和 氧-15 可以由伽马射线 (例如从闪电产生)将氮-14和氧-16的一个中子轰出去而形成: 14N + γ → 13N + n. 16O + γ → 15O + n. 氮-13会衰变成 碳-13,并发射一个正电子,半衰期10分钟。 这个正电子很快就和一个电子湮灭,放出两个511keV的光子。 在一个闪电过后,这些伽马射线照理来说可以持续10分钟,不过这些低能量伽马射线只能传播90米,所以只能探测到1分钟。 13N和15O组成的“云”会被风 …
Nitrogen-13: Historical review and future perspectives
2014年4月1日 · 13N is produced in yields of 32mCi/μA(t∞) with a proton beam of 27 MeV striking H2O which circulates through a flow-chamber as a target for internal cyclotron irradiation.
Nitrogen-13 – Knowledge and References – Taylor & Francis
Nitrogen-13:13N (half-life 9.96 min), can be produced by proton bombardment of water through the 16O (p, α)13N nuclear reaction. The decay of 13N is also purely β+, the mean energy of the positrons is 492 keV, and the endpoint energy (the maximum energy) is 1.19 MeV which corresponds to a range in water of about 5.4 mm.
A batch process for the production of 13N-labelled nitrogen gas
1975年6月15日 · The 13N is produced, nearly free of other radioactivities, in the 13C(p, n)13N reaction, using 17 mg amorphous carbon targets enriched to about 97% 13C and a proton bombarding energy of 11 MeV. The irradiated material is …
为什么选择13N氨 | IBA - Radio Pharma Solutions
Isotope data for nitrogen-13 in the Periodic Table
Detailed decay information for the isotope nitrogen-13 including decay chains and daughter products.
氮[13N]氨(AMMONIA N-13) - 在研适应症:冠心病_专利_临床_研发
氮[13N]氨: 一种PET imaging药物,由The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research (The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research)公司最早进行研发,目前全球最高研发状态为批准上市,作用机制: PET imaging(正电子发射断层成像术增强剂),治疗领域: 心血管疾病,在研适应症: 冠心病,在研 ...