No Nut November - Wikipedia
No Nut November, also known as and abbreviated to NNN, is an annual internet challenge of sexual abstinence and not masturbating during the month of November. It originated in 2011 and grew in popularity among male users of social media during and after 2017.
禁尻十一月 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
禁尻11月 (No Nut November,縮寫 NNN),又稱 NNN挑戰,是一个宣傳 禁欲 的网络運動,這項運動的参与者會在每年11月期间戒除 自慰 [1]。 有一些参与者声称,戒除 射精 和 色情電影 有益身心健康 [2]。 2011年,《市井词典》收錄了No Nut November這一詞條。 2017年,这一运动开始在社交媒体上流行起来 [3]。 它与 Reddit 上的 NoFap 社区有关,该社区鼓励其成员不要自慰 [4]。 Reddit的社区/r/NoNutNovember从2018年11月的1.65万订阅者 [5] 增长到2019年11月的5.2万 …
What Is 'No Nut November' (and Should You Participate)? - Lifehacker
2021年11月2日 · What Is 'No Nut November' (and Should You Participate)? Believe it or not, some people use the internet to NOT masturbate. It’s the beginning of No Nut November, a yearly internet challenge in...
What is the ‘NNN’ Meme? ‘No Nut November ... - Know Your Meme
2022年10月31日 · What Does 'NNN' Mean? NNN is a nifty abbreviation for No Nut November that helps Redditors, Twitter users and other meme creators that want to secretly namedrop the November challenge in code. However, it's easily decipherable given the proper context clues.
什么是NNN协议?为什么中国企业出海可能也需要它? - 知乎
2019年12月21日 · NNN协议全称non-disclosure/non-use/non-circumvention agreement,中文翻译为禁止披露/禁止使用/禁止规避协议。 该协议的介绍在中文世界几乎无法找到,但是中国制造业的企业却经常被海外企业要求签署这个协议。
No Nut November / NNN - Know Your Meme
No Nut November, or NNN for short, is a No Fap Month in which participants attempt to abstain from masturbation for the entire month of November. Traces of the internet challenge date back to the early 2010s, but it became more prevalent online in the late 2010s and early 2020s after spreading to other social media platforms.
西方网友发起了一场“11月不撸”运动 - 游研社
2019年11月6日 · 每年的11月,无数雄性宅宅们开始自发地在社交网络上聚集,他们斗志昂扬,他们互相鼓励,只为了能完成这一年中难度最大的挑战——“No Nut November”。 “Nut”一词在这里指的不是坚果,而是一种更不可描述、更特殊的含义。 总之,这三个单词连起来可以翻译成“11月不撸”,由于它三个单词的首字母皆为“N”,人们也把它称作“NNN活动”。 全世界的宅男们总有着一个同样的愿望,就如同国内曾经发起过的“9月不撸”活动那样,在外国友人的眼中,11月也是一 …
Everything You Need to Know About No Nut November
Millions of men commit to a New Year's resolution in January but it's a brave few who take on No Nut November (NNN). What's NNN you ask? It's a 30-day test of your determination and grit. Men around the world give up ejaculating, including giving up sex, for the entire month of November.
NNN: Rules for all 12 months : r/nonutnovember - Reddit
2020年10月29日 · Considering that No Nut November will be happening soon, I decided to make up rules for the other months, as well as tiles. Some may be weird, but making 10 new rules for each month are hard to do, ok? Anyway, without further …
2019年10月29日 · Welcome to the official NNN page owned by the Nut Ascension Consortium (NAC). You must not nut. No negotiations. These are recommended, because although they will make the experience more difficult, they will decrease your chances of being provoked. And of course, you'll feel like you just bested yourself once the month finishes.