拒绝心肺复苏术 - 百度百科
拒绝心肺复苏术(英语:Do not resuscitate,缩写为 DNR),又译为放弃心肺复苏术、放弃急救同意书,也称为拒绝紧急救治(No Code),拒绝心肺复苏术的法律文书,病患在平时或在医院时预先签署,表明当他们面临心跳停止或呼吸停止的状况时,不愿意接受心肺 ...
“No cardiopulmonary resuscitation” is defined as no cardiopulmonary resuscitation (no CPR) in the event of a respiratory and/or cardiac arrest. This form is provided to you or your substitute decision maker to acknowledge that you have had a conversation with a physician or nurse practitioner about a
拒绝心肺复苏术 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拒绝心肺复苏术(英语: Do not resuscitate ,缩写为DNR),又译为不施行心肺复苏术、放弃心肺复苏术、放弃急救同意书,也称为拒绝紧急救治(No Code)或No CPR,是一种法律文书,病患在平时或在医院时预先签署,表明当他们面临心跳停止或呼吸停止的状况时,不 ...
Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders (DNR) - Cleveland Clinic
Some people with terminal illnesses or serious medical conditions might not want to undergo CPR, even if that means they might die as a result. Deciding to have a DNR order can empower you by making you feel more in control of your own life.
拒絕心肺復甦術 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拒絕心肺復甦術 (英語: Do not resuscitate,縮寫為 DNR),又譯為 不施行心肺復甦術、放棄心肺復甦術 、 放棄急救同意書,也稱為 拒絕緊急救治 (No Code)或 No CPR,是一種法律文書,病患在平時或在醫院時預先簽署,表明當他們面臨 心跳停止 或 呼吸停止 的狀況時,不願意接受 心肺復甦術 (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR)或 高級心臟救命術 (Advanced cardiac life support, ACLS)來延長生命。 患者通常为老年人,或者长期多病住院,或患有预后不良的晚期 …
5 Situations When You Do Not Perform CPR - Heart Start CPR
2023年8月2日 · Knowing when to stop CPR is as important as when to perform it. Learn the 5 situations when you do not perform CPR for effective response in emergencies.
Do not resuscitate - Wikipedia
A do-not-resuscitate order (DNR), also known as Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR), Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR[3]), no code[4][5] or allow natural death, is a medical order, written or oral depending on the jurisdiction, indicating that a person should not receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if that person's he...
Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) …
DNACPR stands for do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It's sometimes called DNAR (do not attempt resuscitation) or DNR (do not resuscitate) but they all refer to the same thing. DNACPR means if your heart or breathing stops your healthcare team will not try to restart it.
回复@cfuwxd: 简介拒絕心肺复苏术(英语:Do not resuscitate, …
2022年12月2日 · 拒絕心肺复苏术(英语:Do not resuscitate,缩写为DNR),又译为不施行心肺复苏术、放弃心肺复苏术、放弃急救同意书,也称为拒绝紧急救治(No Code)或No CPR,是一种法律文书,病患在平時或在医院時预先签署,表明当他们面临心跳停止或呼吸停止(英语:Apnea)的状况时,不愿意接受心肺复苏术Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR或高级心脏救命术(Advanced cardiac life support, ACLS)來延长生命。 患者通常为老年人,或者长期多病 …
NO CPR | 看護師の用語辞典 | 看護roo![カンゴルー]
2019年6月11日 · NO CPRは「治療拒否」を意味するものではなく、心肺停止後の「無理・無駄な蘇生だけを拒否する」という意味である。 NO CPRは尊厳死や安楽死の問題と並び、患者のQOL(Quality Of Life)向上や緩和ケア治療と大きな関係を持つ。