"Hacking" Rolls - MMO-Champion
2010年11月12日 · Is it even possible to "hack" the roll system guaranteeing yourself a 100 (or another high roll) whenever you want? I've been playing 4 years now and other than some joking about "hax" when a friend or guildy rolls a 100 on a highly sought after piece of gear I've never seen nor heard of a true "roll hack" though I have seen just about every other kind : Wall Hacks, Speed Hacks, Flight Hacks ...
/console cameraDistancemaxfactor not working properly anymore?
2010年7月8日 · Hello everyone, My friend and I, both always having relied heavily on a maxed out camera view distance in raids, have noticed that this macro is no longer working properly for us and not allowing us to zoom out as far as we could. I cannot exactly pinpoint since when, but we noticed for the first time on our lich king kill night, which was pre 3.3.3. We thought the reason we couldn't zoom out ...
SC2 trainers? Really?
2011年5月13日 · 3) A hack can be detected while claiming(And should be) to be undetectable. 4) Undetectable is a temporary term, and is put there by the author. In actuality there IS no undetectable hack, as every single one CAN be detected. 5) "I stopped reading, I just don't think you understand" is old.
Chance of being Hacked from a trade? - mmo-champion.com
2012年9月1日 · Just wondering if it is at all possible to be able to hack your account from just simply trading something to you... Reason is, i was doing my dailys in Tol Barad n i saw what i though was a bot, so i went over n just said 'bot?' no reply, but he made a dragonscale leg armor, traded me and give it me for free. So i whispered him saying 'wtf?' n …
Bypass administrator rights with "Runasinvoker" - MMO-Champion
2017年3月22日 · The program simply runs with the same privileges as the code that launched it. There is no attempt to elevate. This means that if you run the program from an elevated command prompt, then the program stays elevated. If you run the program from a non-elevated command prompt, then the program stays non-elevated. Try it.
combat rogue question - MMO-Champion
2010年6月10日 · Any theory crafters know if its comparable to the hack and slash or CQC? As far as your viable versus optimal distinction, sure no one is going to laugh at you if you're using fist/dagger, but the people that think fist/dagger is ok are also probably the people that are 100% unaware of the crit cap and how it works.
Ethereals as new playable race ? Yes or No
2025年1月24日 · Yes or No ? There are huge hints that Ethereals will be a new playable race in WoW. The new Ethereal models look so good, but I dont want a new race if there is so little new customization of existing races (including allied races) and little to none lore behind some race/class combos.
Undermine(d): No License Needed to D.R.I.V.E. - MMO-Champion
2025年1月29日 · Undermine(d): No License Needed to D.R.I.V.E. Originally Posted by Blizzard ( Blue Tracker / Official Forums ) Earn a new customizable vehicle and engage in D.R.I.V.E. as you drift at high speed through the streets of Undermine.
What to use instead of Ask Mr Robot - MMO-Champion
2014年4月9日 · Also, I use AskMrRobot to help me figure out which bosses are worth using bonus rolls on, and if I get, say as an example, a ring upgrade from Thok, I'll want to immediately re-export my 'best in bags' list and see how that alters the odds of me getting upgrades off the next few bosses, possibly letting me spend a coin on Siegecrafter that I ...
How to make your mouse 'click' multiple times with a single click / …
2013年9月19日 · Just don't forget to disable the auto-clicker before starting any games with an anti-cheat/hack process running in the background, because otherwise you are exposing yourself to the risk of being suspended or banned from those services.