expressions - When there is no item to display in your activity …
2015年10月12日 · There is no activity to display. This works fine unless you want to underscore that it was the user who didn't perform any activity, as opposed to the system, for example. From the three options you presented, "You have not performed any activity" is correct, too.
Creating Library but no items being shown? - Emby
2020年2月21日 · Server 4.3.10 windows. Trying to create a library of tv shows, using multiple folders but in clients says no items in said library. I am only using emby on my LAN, using wmc client (though i get same no items in library on windows browser client and samsung tv clients) I have tried refresh librar...
Emby server not identifying 90% of tv-shows/seasons
2023年12月31日 · Thanks, I checked tvdb and the Constantine Series id is 273690. I entered that into the TheTVDB Id: box in the Identify dialog and I'm still getting "No items matching your search criteria were found.". Also, that response is instantaneous, like …
folder : No items found - Linux - Emby Community
2023年12月11日 · I honestly don't know what's going on. I have a server with rclone and I have other folders that work perfectly on the same server. I have had to update a folder and since I did it they no longer show the videos. It is very strange because the other folders do work and update normally. Im trying ...
What exactly does "All Items Not On Sale" mean?
2012年3月16日 · Nonetheless, this construction is widely used in English, with this meaning. Furthermore, it is not treated as ambiguous, because to express the "logical" meaning, we would use a different construction with "none" or "no": "No items are on sale". An old example is the proverb "All that glisters is not gold".
Should we say "item number" or "items number" when refering to …
2022年7月6日 · "Number of Items" is reasonable and acceptable, as would be "Item count" (as suggested in a comment). In "Item count", "Item" is again an attributive noun (and is therefore singular). "Count" does not have a special meaning in combination with "item" the way "item number" does, so "item count" refers to an amount or quantity.
Audio Books - No items found. - General/Windows - Emby
2020年2月14日 · When I select down from Audio Books, to Author, to a book, inside the book I get "No items found." I'm running Version, but I don't know when the audio book files stopped showing up. Thank you.
Library not showing content - General/Windows - Emby Community
2020年8月24日 · No matter what I do or what I try I cannot get the items to show up. It simply says "no items found" when I click on the library. Again though, if I search for a video in the library, or if I go to favorites, or even if I go into Generes I can still very much see the content that should be there and even play it.
No items found - General/Windows - Emby Community
2022年8月2日 · Sorry about the delay. I was changing jobs and caught corona the second time this year. I got it working. What i did: downloaded a fresh windows server installer today, installed it, selected library type TV Shows, otherwise didnt change anything.
Use of the plural with list, and when item count is 0
Hi gregOire and welcome to the site. This is a two-part question, so it might be considered "too broad". Also, each part has numerous duplicates, which is a reason for closing. See e.g. “user accounts” or “users account”? and There are no comments / There is no comment. –