No Logo - Wikipedia
No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies is a book by the Canadian author Naomi Klein. First published by Knopf Canada and Picador in December 1999, [ 1 ] [ 2 ] shortly after the 1999 Seattle WTO protests had generated media attention around such issues, it became one of the most influential books about the alter-globalization movement and an ...
NO LOGO - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《No Logo:颠覆品牌全球统治》是加拿大作者Naomi Klein创作的一本书。 首次由Knopf Canada和Picador于1999年12月出版,正好是1999年西雅图 WTO 抗议活动引起媒体关注的时候,成为了关于改变 全球化 运动的最有影响力的书籍之一。
Best Nursery Rhymes - S3EP42 Kindergarten Fun Highlights ... - YouTube
A new LooLoo collection of fun and educational nursery rhymes with Johny and friends. You will join Johny in many adventures and listen to many action songs ...
No Logo - 豆瓣读书
2015年9月4日 · 《NO LOGO》是一部能鼓舞人心的開戰宣言,獻給每位渴望維護財富、正義或全世界的小人物。 《NO LOGO》是一次意外獲得的教學範本。 在一堂社會科學入門學程的課堂上,我曾用它來說明複雜的文化理論如何應用於當代的實例。 結果十分奏效,書中的金句很快地在校園中傳開,其他學生甚至央求將這本書選入課堂指定讀物。 筆鋒機智、充分地反映出從銷售產品到叫賣品牌的文化如何形成。 只消讀完一、兩個章節,讀者的心智在不知不覺間已受到牽引。 …
NO LOGO - 豆瓣读书
昔日是迷恋名牌的美少女,今日成为反思品牌文明最深刻、最重要的文化观察者。走访跨国企业在欧美、亚洲、非洲各地的作为,写成《no logo》一书,引起全球广泛回响。
No Logo - Naomi Klein
Equal parts cultural analysis, political manifesto, memoir, and journalistic exposé, No Logo was the first book to put the new grassroots resistance to corporate manipulation into clear perspective. It vividly documents the invasive economic practices and damaging social effects of the ruthless corporatism that characterizes many of our ...
No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies - amazon.com
2000年1月15日 · In this provocative, well-written study, a front-line report on that battle, we learn how the Nike swoosh has changed from an athletic status-symbol to a metaphor for sweatshop labor, how teenaged McDonald’s workers are risking their jobs to join the Teamsters, and how “culture jammers” utilize spray paint, computer-hacking acumen, and anti-prop...
No Logo: 10th Anniversary Edition with a New Introduction by …
2009年11月24日 · Equal parts cultural analysis, political manifesto, mall-rat memoir, and journalistic exposé, No Logo is the first book to put the new resistance into pop-historical and clear economic perspective. Naomi Klein tells a story of rebellion and self-determination in the face of our new branded world.
NO LOGO:颠覆品牌全球统治 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
当你看到“no logo”你会认为它想呼吁什么? 我过往对反消费主义的理解是拒绝标签化、拒绝过胜的欲望、过多的物质占有。 最初,我以为“NO LOGO”是反对品牌效应,呼吁…
NO LOGO:颠覆品牌全球统治_图书_理想国
★No Logo. 品牌运作机制可谓全球化浪潮的缩影,此一浪潮看似不可避免,但1990年代中期以来,各地民众自发创生各种组织与运动,以期抵抗此一进程中的不义与虚伪,或是以火攻火,从跨国企业手中夺取权力,实现利益共享。