Oda Nobunaga - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Oda Nobunaga is an event reward from the GUDAGUDA Honnouji Event and GUDAGUDA Honnouji Event Re-Run. She is now permanently available from Evocation Festival Part 2. She shares the exact HP values at both minimum and maximum with Tristan, Altera the San(ta), Yan Qing and Mochizuki Chiyome. She shares the exact HP values at minimum with Jack the Ripper, Mysterious Heroine X and Okita Sōji ...
Nobu图鉴 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
或许这会在某些特定钉宫癌患者中得到不错的反响? 请升级浏览器。 较为稀有的nobu生物 (生物? 但是某些钉宫癌患者很喜欢听nobu被打发出的声音? 请升级浏览器。 较为稀有的nobu生物 ( …
Demon King Nobunaga - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
500% Chance to grant self Burning Battlefield buff for 3 turns. 500% Chance to inflict Burn (Unstackable) with 1000 damage to self for 3 turns. [Demerit] Increases own NP generation rate when taking attack by 17.5%. 500% Chance to reduce party's debuff resistance by 7.5% except self. (Including sub members) [Demerit]
Demon King Nobunaga (Oda Nobunaga) - GamePress
Nobu has a powermod against Heaven type enemies, and a supereffective mod against Divinity. As 80% of all Heaven type enemies are also Divinity, this means they often get both bonuses, dealing huge damage numbers which cannot be met by other means in other setups.
【FGO科普向】大家的nobu不可能这么可爱——从个人面板看织田 …
织田信长「おだのぶなが(Oda Nobunaga)」,出生于日本战国时代的尾张国,被誉为“日本战国三杰(织田信长、丰臣秀吉、德川家康)”之一。 织田信长因桶狭间合战击败今川义元而出名,而后通过拥护室町幕府而逐渐控制京都。 之后织田信长提出“天下布武”的纲领,逐渐掌握日本的大半领土,并采取一些措施促进了日本走向近代化。 于1582年在本能寺之变中自杀。 nobu(P站ID82788314) 在FGO中,织田信长有三个职介,那么Konn就分别从这三个职介的面板带大家 …
Oda Nobunaga | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
Although known as the Fool of Owari in childhood, Oda Nobunaga became an excellent tactician who arguably unified Japan. In-game, Nobunaga fights as an AoE Buster Archer who focuses …
Mini Nobu - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Mini Nobu is a small-enemies version of the Koha-Ace character Demon Archer a.k.a. Nobbu. There are 3 variants for Mini Nobu with the other two being the Silver and Gold versions. Mini Nobu's normal attack is a rifle shot, while her critical hits …
织田信长 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
织田信长 是TYPE-MOON旗下的《Fate系列》及其衍生作品中的登场角色。 在漫画《Fate/KOHA-ACE 帝都圣杯奇谭》中初次登场。 《Fate/KOHA-ACE 帝都圣杯奇谭》中登场的职阶为Archer的从者。 戴着光辉的木瓜纹图案的军帽和黑色的军服的少女,被称为魔人Archer。 她是由大圣杯所召唤出的「救国英雄」中的一人,围绕着樱Saber和圣杯,这将是与之交战的最强的敌人…… 战国时代的风云人物,一边不断地破坏既成概念一边迈向全国统一的她被称为第六天魔王。 与后来 …
织田信长 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
2024年8月30日 · 室町幕府を事実上滅亡させ、応仁の乱から続く長き戦国乱世の終結に多大な影響を与えた人物。 軍服っぽい衣装はサーヴァントとして召喚されたおり、趣味で個人的に …
Demon King Nobunaga | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
Oda Nobunaga WP (織田信長 WP?), Class Name Avenger (アヴェンジャー, Avenjā?), is an Avenger -class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. Nobunaga is a unique Servant in possession of a Saint Graph that is the aggregation of every possible Nobunaga from the past, present, and future.
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