This is the website of NOF Co., Ltd.. Since its founding in 1937, we at NOF Group have been expanding our business as a chemical manufacturer in multifaceted ways.
Life Science|Business|NOF CORPORATION
NOF produces the world's best quality Activated PEGs from our high-quality methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (mPEG). NOF also supplies our proprietary high-purity branched, multi-arm and hetero-functional Activated PEGs tailored to meet our customers' PEG Drugs.
Corporate Overview|Corporate Information|NOF CORPORATION
2024年3月31日 · This is the website of NOF Co., Ltd.. Since its founding in 1937, we at NOF Group have been expanding our business as a chemical manufacturer in multifaceted ways.
Corporate Information > Message from the President|NOF …
This is the website of NOF Co., Ltd.. Since its founding in 1937, we at NOF Group have been expanding our business as a chemical manufacturer in multifaceted ways.
History|Corporate Information|NOF CORPORATION
The NOF Group was founded in 1937, but the company’s core business has a long history with roots reaching back to the Meiji Era. Nippon Oil & Fats Co.,Ltd. was established in June 1937 when its forerunner, Associated Oil and Fats, merged with three companies in the Nippon Sangyo Group – Nippon Food Industries, Kokusan Industry Fuji Paint ...
会社概要|会社情報|日油株式会社 - NOF
日油株式会社 (英文:nof corporation) 創立: 1937年6月1日 (設立:1949年7月1日) 資本金: 17,742百万円 (2024年3月31日現在) 従業員: 1,794名 (2024年3月31日現在) 本社 〒150-6012 東京都渋谷区恵比寿四丁目20番3号 恵比寿ガーデンプレイスタワー 本社
Group Companies|Corporate Information|NOF CORPORATION
Founded on businesses using “oils and fats,” materials that offer unlimited possibilities, the NOF Group has ceaselessly and boldly diversified into a variety of state-of-the-art fields.
Research & Development > News|NOF CORPORATION
This is the website of NOF Co., Ltd.. Since its founding in 1937, we at NOF Group have been expanding our business as a chemical manufacturer in multifaceted ways.
Innovation through Business|Providing new value|NOF …
To achieve both a sustainable society and economic growth, NOF is focusing on development of clean tech. We are flexibly responding to changing market needs in the three fields of Life/Healthcare, Environment/Energy, and Electronics/IT, as well as further accelerating the development of new products and technologies and improving productivity.