MPE in Live 11 and later FAQ - Ableton
MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) allows you to control multiple instrument parameters simultaneously depending on how you press the notes on your MPE-capable MIDI controller. With MPE you can change these individual values for every note in real time: MPE MIDI messages are displayed once you record or draw a note, and you can edit them at any time.
MPE是什么?与传统MIDI有啥区别? - 哔哩哔哩
MPE的全称是MIDI Polyphonic Expression,当然也有人把它称为Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression,但不管是前者还是后者,都包含Polyphonic Expression的字样。 Polyphonic Expression直译过来是多复音表达,这也是这项技术的核心。 相信大多数人都是从ROLI这个厂商口中听到MPE这个名词的,它们推出了一系列的多维度控制器(Multidimensional Controller / MDC),从早期的Seaboard系列到后期稍微便宜点的Block系列,均是多维度控制器。 与传 …
MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) Specification Adopted!
2019年2月5日 · MPE is a method of using MIDI which enables multidimensional controllers to control multiple parameters of every note within MPE-compatible software. In normal MIDI, Channel-wide messages (such as Pitch Bend) are applied …
MPE and microtonality - General - Poly Expression
2025年2月16日 · Pitch bend/MPE/Poly Expression can work well too, and some people prefer it. If using MPE/PolyExp and microtuning, the important question to ask is how/if you want those two to interact.
编辑 MPE — Ableton Reference Manual Version 11 | Ableton
MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) (MIDI 复音表情)是 MIDI 标准协议的拓展内容,使得原先整轨的 MIDI 表情信息可以应用到单独音符上并能单独调整。 使用 MPE 可以单独控制每个音符的多个参数,以获得更为生动的乐器演奏。 如需让 Live 从 MPE 设备接收 MPE,需要在偏好设置的 *Link/Tempo/MIDI* 选项卡中打开对应 MPE 设备端口的 MPE 开关。 启用 MIDI 控制器的 MPE 模式。 需要注意,如果一个启用了 MPE 模式的 MIDI 控制器作为轨道输入,那么该轨道的输入 …
StudioCode - MPE - MIDI Polyphonic Expression
MPE uses the MIDI standard. All the messages from an MPE controller are regular pitch bend, note, aftertouch, and Control Change (CC) messages. Wherever possible, every sounding note is assigned its own MIDI Channel for the lifetime of that note. Channel-wide expression messages can be applied to each note individually.
MPE: MIDI Polyphonic Expression – MIDI.org
The specification describes a recommended way of using individual MIDI Channels to achieve per-note control without requiring Mono Mode (which would restrict polyphony to a maximum of 16 notes). This enables richer communication between …
MPE: MIDI Polyphonic Expression Explained - iZotope
2020年6月3日 · MPE stands for MIDI Polyphonic Expression, but has also been referred to as Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression. MPE uses MIDI data as its core language, but completely changes its approach to sending that data. The MPE protocol can be tough to wrap your head around, so let’s look at it in pieces:
MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) is an emerging standard that enhances the expressiveness of electronic instruments, allowing them to rival acoustic instruments by controlling pitch, dynamics, and more on a per-note basis. Learn how MPE sets your music free, its differences from traditional MIDI, its adoption timeline, and compatible products.
MPE stands for “MIDI Polyphonic Expression” and is an extension of MIDI 1.0. How does MPE differ from MIDI 1.0? MPE allows individual notes to have independent pitch bend values whereas MIDI 1.0 only allows these to be set globally for all voices at once.