NOVA podcasts cover diverse topics. The first series, NOVA Saúde Talks, focuses on pressing topics in the health sector. The Prémio Agir Diferente na NOVA (ADN) aims to stimulate …
Descubra o NOVA Talks Sala de Imprensa, o podcast oficial da universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Ouça-nos nas principais plataformas de streaming. Prepare o seu futuro e o da sua …
Nova School of Business and Economics
At Nova SBE you will find top quality programs, excellent faculty and a worldwide reputation. We are ranked by the FT among the TOP 30 Business Schools in Europe.
NOVA University Lisbon - Wikipedia
NOVA University Lisbon was founded in 1973 and is the newest public university in the Lisbon metropolitan area, with teaching units in Lisbon, Almada, Oeiras, and Cascais. It was founded …
新里斯本大学商业经济学院(Faculdade de Economia Universidade Nova de Lisboa,英文名称Nova School of Business and Economics,简称:NOVA SBE),是葡萄牙最好的商学院。新 …
Admission - Nova School of Business and Economics
The admissions process starts with an online application submission, with all relevant documents, including motivation letters and videos. It is recommended that applications are submitted in …
NOVA Program Catalog - UNL
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, as public higher education institution, has a formative offer that is distinguished by quality and variety, in several areas of knowledge, fundamentally structured …
Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (UNL) ou NOVA é uma universidade pública portuguesa, integrada por nove unidades orgânicas localizadas na área metropolitana de Lisboa (Lisboa, …
Ensino – UNL
NOVA na Futurália: oferta letiva da universidade apresenta-se na FIL 12 de Março de 2025 www.unl.pt
新里斯本大学,被誉为“C罗”葡萄牙大学,成立50年以下QS榜 …
新里斯本大学 是葡萄牙最新成立的公立大学之一,成立于1973年。 新里斯本大学目前有超过19000名学生,共1491名教师和804名员工,分布在5个系,三个研究所和一所学校在各个领 …