Neuropeptide Y inhibits the hyperexcitability of type A neurons in ...
2002年4月19日 · Our recent data revealed adrenergic sensitivity in chronically compressed dorsal root ganglion (DRG) of rats. As neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a common sympathetic co-transmitter, we investigated the effect of NPY on injured DRG neurons. The expression of NPY Y1 and Y2 receptors and the effect of NPY on c …
Injured sensory neuron–derived CSF1 induces microglial ... - Nature
2015年12月7日 · (a) CSF1 induction in DRG neurons ipsilateral to the nerve injury co-localizes with NPY (Inset), a neuropeptide that is only expressed in sensory neurons after injury (1 d).
NPY Y1 receptors are present in axonal processes of DRG neurons
Using a sensitive immunohistochemical method, the localization of the neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1 receptor (Y1R) was studied in contralateral and ipsilateral dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons of rats subjected to different unilateral manipulations with focus on their axonal processes and projection are …
Somatosensory neuron types identified by high-coverage …
2015年12月22日 · Here we classify somatosensory neurons of the mouse dorsal root ganglion (DRG) by high-coverage single-cell RNA-sequencing (10 950 ± 1 218 genes per neuron) and neuron size-based hierarchical ...
mTOR–neuropeptide Y signaling sensitizes nociceptors to drive ...
2022年10月4日 · We show that injury-induced mTOR activation promoted the transcriptional induction of neuropeptide Y (Npy), likely via signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 phosphorylation. NPY further acted primarily on Y2 receptors (Y2R) to …
Integrated analyses reveal evolutionarily conserved and specific …
2022年11月2日 · Herein, we re-analyzed 21 RNA-seq datasets and presented a web-based resource (DRGProfile). We identified 53 evolutionarily conserved injury response genes, including well-known injury genes (Atf3,...
重磅!Neuron:华中农业大学曹罡揭示神经元来源的神经肽Y精准 …
2022年2月7日华中农业大学生物医学与健康学院曹罡研究团队在Neuron杂志上揭示了神经肽Y (NPY)精准调控脾脏的炎症反应,充当免疫系统和中枢神经系统的“交互语言”。 图1:病毒示踪实验揭示脾脏的神经纤维输入. 研究人员在 大鼠脾脏注射逆行示踪病毒后在肾上腺神经节(SrG)和腹腔神经节(CG)存在神经投射,约60%的投射神经元为NPY神经元 (图1)。 进一步分子实验表明在脂多糖刺激下促进SrG- CG区域的即早基因的表达,神经肽NPY基因表达上调较为明显。 …
摘 要:神经肽Y(neuropeptide Y, NPY)是一种由36个氨基酸残基组成的肽类激素,属胰多肽家族, 广泛分布于中枢及外周神经组织的神经元中。 NPY主要参与摄食行为、心血管活动、垂体分泌等生理
Neuron-derived neuropeptide Y fine-tunes the splenic immune
2022年4月20日 · In a neuron and splenocyte coculture system and in vivo experiments, neuronal NPY in SrG-CG attenuated the splenic immune response. Notably, we demonstrated that neuronal NPF in Drosophila exerted a conservative immunomodulatory effect.
Cell | 小鼠DRG遗传工具包揭示了体感神经元亚型的形态和生理多 …
2024年3月6日 · 该研究开发和管理一个小鼠遗传工具包,允许询问不同皮肤靶向DRG神经元亚型的特性和功能。 这些工具实现了广泛的形态学分析,揭示了不同的皮肤轴突树枝化区域和转录上不同的DRG神经元亚型的分支模式。 此外,体内生理分析显示,每种亚型对机械和/或热刺激具有不同的阈值和反应范围。 这些发现支持一种模型,其中形态和生理上不同的皮肤DRG感觉神经元亚型平铺机械和热刺激空间以共同编码广泛的自然刺激。 本文内容转载自“BioArt”微信公众号。