House prices for NR1 3BU, Corton Road, Norwich, NR1
NR1 3BU is a residential postcode located on Corton Road, Norwich, NR1 with 17 addresses. The postcode includes: It ranks as the 475th largest, and 306th most expensive of the 839 postcode s in the NR1 area. The dominant property is a early-century house built between 1912 and 1935. Increased by 0.7 % in the past 12 months.
NR1 3BU maps, stats, and open data - GetTheData
Find data about postcode NR1 3BU including maps, open data, schools, flood risk, crime stats.
NR13BU - check postcode
NR1 3BU postcode was first in introduced in January 1980. NR1 3BU is located within the Norwich Travel To Work Area. NHS Services in this postcode are provided by the Norfolk Primary Care Trust. The 2011 Census Output Area for this postcode is classified as 'Constrained city dwellers, Ageing city dwellers, Retired communal city dwellers'.
Postcode: NR1 3BU | United Kingdom Postcode
This page provides all the information about postcode NR1 3BU, including postal information, location information, and other information.
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NR1 3BU (Norwich) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood …
NR1 3BU postcode map for Norwich, includes information & stats for areas around NR13BU, demographics, local postal towns, crime rates, house prices nearby hotels
Properties For Sale in NR1 3BU | Rightmove
Flats & Houses For Sale in NR1 3BU - Find properties with Rightmove - the UK's largest selection of properties.
Information about the NR1 3BU Postcode in the settlement of
Information about the NR1 3BU postcode in Norwich including Jobs, Churches, Pubs, Takeaways, Shops, Supermarkets
House prices in Norwich Road, Norwich, NR13 3BU - The Move …
The most expensive property that has sold in Norwich Road, NR13 3BU went for £480,000. 4 properties have sold over the last 10 years in NR13 3BU. The last sale in NR13 3BU was for £300,000 in June, 2019. 70% of property sold in this postcode are detached houses.
House prices for NR10 3BU, Sole Close, Horsford, Norwich, NR
NR10 3BU is a residential postcode located onSole Close, Horsford, Norwich, NR10 with 9 houses within its bounds. The average house price is £238,595 and prices have decreased by an average of 4.1% in the last 12 months, whereas rental prices have behaved inversely, rising by 2%. NR10 3BU: An Overview9 residential address, all of which are houses
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