National Safety Education Center | Northern Illinois University
The NSEC is the only authorized OSHA Training Institute Education Center in Illinois. Register for Occupational Safety Training Today! We offer over 50 individual safety courses to suit your occupational safety requirements and are the only provider of the OSHA Standards and Trainer Courses in the state.
Course Registration Form 148 N . 3rd Street DeKalb, IL 60115-2854 P: 815 753 6902 Name: (last) (first) (m) Date: Email: Job Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip ...
[email protected]. Approved: Declined: Approving Authority: It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all course prerequisites have been met prior to enrolling in the course. Please submit copies of this
SETTING UPYOUR ACCOUNT. Important Notes: • Passwords must be at least eight (8) characters long and contain one of each of the following characters:
[email protected]. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all required and elective courses have been completed . prior to submitting this application. An application processing fee of $95 is due at the time of the application. Please submit copies of this completed and signed Application for Certificate Program and
[email protected]. 7. Statement of Certification . The information I have included herein and submitted to the OTI Education Center (or its designee) is true and accurate. Applicant Signature _____ Date: _____ Page 1 of 3 . OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Center Program ...
WEB: www.nsec.niu.edu The OSHA Directorate of Training requires that each Outreach classroom hold between 3 and 40 students. If you are planning a class which is expected to deviate from this, you may request an exception. The …
[email protected]. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all required and elective courses have been completed prior to submitting this application. An application processing fee of $95 is due at the time of the . application. Please submit copies of this completed and signed Application for Certificate Program and
Staff Announcements and Museum News 3. Staff Announcements Museum Director Jo Burke will be presented with the 2017 Presidential Supportive Professional Staff Award for Excellence in a ceremony in April. The Award of Excellence recognizes
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AND SOL D. JENSEN This Employment Agreement ("Employment Agreement" or "Agreement") shall be effective