Non-specific interstitial pneumonia - Radiopaedia.org
2025年2月5日 · Non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) is the second most common morphological and pathological pattern of interstitial lung diseases after UIP. NSIP is commonly associated with connective tissue disease (CTD), and a multidisciplinary team best decides the underlying diagnosis and management ref .
HRCT - Basic Interpretation - The Radiology Assistant
2006年12月24日 · NSIP is characterized histologically by a relatively uniform pattern of cellular interstitial inflammation associated with variable degrees of fibrosis. As in UIP (usual interstitial pneumonia) it mainly involves the dependent regions of the lower lobes, but NSIP lacks the extensive fibrosis with honeycombing.
非特异性间质性肺炎病理诊断中国专家共识(草案) - 中华结核和 …
NSIP是间质性肺炎的一种类型,临床主要表现为渐进性呼吸困难和咳嗽,高分辨率CT (high resolution CT, HRCT)显示双下肺及胸膜下分布为主的对称性磨玻璃影,网状阴影和牵拉性支气管或细支气管扩张,很少或无蜂窝形成;病理学特点表现为肺间质不同程度的炎症和纤维化,病变时相一致。 可继发于感染(如人免疫缺陷病毒)、自身免疫性疾病、药物性肺损伤和有机粉尘的吸入等,称为继发性NSIP。 原因不明者称之为INSIP,为独立的疾病类型,属于IIPs家族的成员。 …
Differentiating Between UIP and NSIP | IPF Radiology Rounds
2 天之前 · NSIP is temporally and spatially homogeneous, while UIP is typically heterogeneous, patchy, and irregular in size. 36 The extent of honeycombing and traction bronchiectasis is greater in UIP than the extent of ground glass opacity or micronodules, which are more commonly associated with an NSIP pattern. 5,36
The Radiology Assistant : HRCT - Common diagnoses
2007年12月20日 · NSIP is histologically characterized by a homogeneous, uniform pattern of cellular interstitial inflammation associated with variable degrees of fibrosis. In contrast, UIP is associated with extensive fibrosis which is temporally inhomogeneous (i.e. various lesions are of …
【PPT】间质性肺炎新分类解读及HRCT诊断 – 影像PPT
2017年9月23日 · nsip磨玻璃影位于肺泡表面,是纤维的增生,所以有轻度网格状感觉 但是DIP的磨玻璃病变出现在肺泡腔,所以更有颗粒状感觉,也就是头皮屑的感觉 下面是OP,OP在近些年逐渐被重视,讨论的也很多,我就一笔带过
HRCT Diagnosis for HP, NSIP and UIP | IPF Radiology Rounds
6 天之前 · This table shows several HRCT features commonly seen in patients with chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis, UIP or IPF, and NSIP. Note the significant overlap of certain features such as reticulation and ground glass opacity, and those which are not common for …
肺间质病:非特异性间质性肺炎的高分辨率CT与病理对照研究 - 丁 …
2007年9月7日 · 临床医师依据患者的临床表现,肺功能和hrct 检查;在开胸肺活检前,9 例患者临床诊断iip,其中第一诊断为nsip 患者6 例(66%);第一诊断为隐原性机化性肺炎(cop)2 例;第一诊断为急性间质性肺炎(aip);此3 例的第二诊断均为nsip。nsip 的hrct 表现有一定的 ...
Pictorial Review of Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease on High ...
2023年12月4日 · The primary HRCT findings of NSIP are reticulation (87%), traction bronchiectasis (82%), lower lobe volume loss (77%), and GGOs (44%), the latter of which can aid in differentiating from UIP .
Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia | IPF Radiology Rounds
2025年3月18日 · Learn more about the features associated with NSIP on HRCT, including ground glass opacity and reticulation with a peribronchovascular distribution.