Nukunonu - Wikipedia
Nukunonu, formerly known as Duke of Clarence Island, is the largest atoll within Tokelau, a dependency of New Zealand in the south Pacific Ocean. It comprises 30 islets surrounding a …
努庫諾努環礁 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
努庫諾努環礁(英語: Nukunonu )是南太平洋的環礁,由新西兰属地托克劳管辖,由24個島嶼組成,土地面積5.5平方公里,潟湖面積90平方公里,2006年人口426。
托克劳群岛 - 百度百科
太平洋中南部岛群, [1],由 法考福环礁 (Fakaofo,2.63平方公里)、 阿塔富环礁 (Atafu,2.03平方公里)、 努库诺努环礁 (Nukunonu,5.46平方公里)3个珊瑚岛组成。 托 …
Nukunonu | Polynesian, Coral Reefs, Atoll | Britannica
Nukunonu, coral atoll of Tokelau, a dependency of New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. It comprises 30 islets encircling a lagoon 8 miles (13 km) by 7 miles (11.3 km). Discovered …
Visiting Nukunonu
Nukunonu is one of the three atolls you visit, the other two are Atafu and Fakaofo. Simply depart at Nukunonu and then you’re ready for your visit. Nukunonu is the only Tokelau atoll that has …
Nukunonu Map | Tokelau | Detailed Maps of Nukunonu Atoll
Nukunonu is the largest atoll of Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. It consists of approximately 30 islets surrounding a central lagoon, with a total land area of about …
努库诺努环礁 - 百度百科
努库诺努环礁Nukunonu,南太平洋托克劳群岛最大的环礁,位于09°11′S, 171°49′W,长约12.5公里,宽7.5公里,由33个小岛屿围绕一个中央泻湖,泻湖面积98平方公里,陆地面积5.46平方 …
Nukunonu - Alluring World
Nukunonu is the largest atoll within Tokelau, a dependency of New Zealand, in the south Pacific Ocean. Nukunonu is the middle one of the three Tokelau islands, just 483 kilometers (300 …
Nukunonu - The Largest Atoll In Tokelau - Jane Resture
Tokelau, a New Zealand dependency in the South Pacific Ocean, has the coral atoll of Nukunonu. It has 30 islands that surround a lagoon that is 8 miles by 7 miles. The island was discovered …
【努库诺努概况】努库诺努最佳旅游时间, 努库诺努旅游费用 - 马蜂窝
努库诺努环礁(Nukunonu)在阿塔富环礁和法考福环礁中间,同时位于,新西兰和夏威夷之间的地方。 这里保持着原始的生活,岛上的交通并不方便,环礁潟湖也无航道可通,同时当地的 …