NW80-20L | Short Flange - NW Series | Advantec | MISUMI
Shop Short Flange - NW Series from Advantec (NW80-20L). MISUMI USA has all of your NW/KF Standard Piping Components & Flanges needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
NW 80 Vacuum Flanges and Fittings - GlobalSpec
The 100760208 Bored Flange is used for internal welding of 3 inch outside diameter vacuum tube or pipe to a size NW80 ISO-MF vacuum flange. This 304 stainless steel bored flange is infinitely rotatable and is compatible with NW 80 ISO-MF flange clamps or rotatable bolt rings.
NW法兰(KF法兰)的特点及主要型号和尺寸 - 真空技术网
小口径管路用橡胶圈密封真空法兰,被称为NW (或KF)法兰,广泛用于低、中和高真空系统中。 其特点是可多次重复使用、操作简单、经济实惠。 但是,NW 法兰有两个大的问题点:一个是在设备烘烤时耐热程度有限;另一个是氢气、氦气的透气问题。 使用NW 法兰时,两个 NW 法兰中间安装有外套 O形橡胶圈 的中心支架,外侧通过卡箍可简单实现快速的安装和拆卸 (图1)。 使用 氟橡胶圈 的时候,烘烤温度一般可达150℃。 NW 盲板法兰的主要型号和尺寸见表1。 小口径管路用橡 …
NW Flanged (NW80-20L) Catalog An NW flange—manufactured by Advantec Co., Ltd. (vacuum piping), with a top-class track record in Japan in the field of vacuum components requiring high-performance seals.
ISO-KF Stainless Steel Blank Vacuum Flanges - MKS Instruments
By using ISO components, system assembly is quick and cost effective. The Series 31 component line also includes a few components in NW 80 (3'') and NW 100 (4'') sizes. There is no international standard for these sizes in the KF style. MKS has designed the flanging using series consistencies and customer requirements.
NW法蘭系列 NW短法蘭 | ADVANTEC(真空配管) | MISUMI【台 …
NW法蘭在要求高密閉性的真空領域中表現傑出。 ・一般材質為SUS304,亦有SUS316L。 ・NW=容易安裝的快速安裝型。 ・真空度:大氣壓~10的-7次方Pa。 ・耐熱:由於是橡膠密封,約為150~220度。 ・用於排氣管線。 此處產品圖片為示意圖,詳情請參閱產品規格。 商品篩選結果為1件時,會顯示商品型號。 本頁所標註的為參考用的標準出貨日。 確切的預定到貨日請以訂購完成通知書的資訊為準。 法蘭一般為SUS304製。 若為SUS316L,則型號末尾為(6L)。 若為 …
NW/KF Standard Piping Components & Flanges - MISUMI USA
NW/KF Standard Piping Components and Flanges are essential fittings used in vacuum and pressure applications. NW (ISO) and KF (Klein Flange) systems provide a secure connection for pipes and tubes, allowing for efficient material transfer.
KF法兰(NW法兰) | 真空法兰 Vacuum Flange : Htc日扬真空
真空KF法兰使用于通过真空制程配管与高真空腔体接续。 也适用于焊接在真空帮浦管线配管中的不锈钢管或不锈钢软管。 KF法兰又名NW法兰,为真空系统中不可或缺的主要真空零组件之一,适用于真空制程配管与真空腔体接续等多用途。 Htc日扬真空提供多种规格KF法兰 (NW法兰)周边零 …
Ideal Vacuum | Half Nipple, NW-80 Vacuum Fittings, ISO-LF …
2025年1月14日 · These half nipple weld stubs follow International Standards Organization (ISO) standards and have a flange size of NW-80. ISO flanged vacuum fittings are commonly used to build process vacuum plumbing and systems for industrial applications.
100760210 ISO-MF Bored Vacuum Flange - MKS Instruments
The 100760210 Bored Flange is used for internal welding of 4 inch outside diameter vacuum tube or pipe to a size NW80 ISO-MF vacuum flange. This 304 stainless steel bored flange is infinitely rotatable and is compatible with NW 100 ISO-MF flange clamps or rotatable bolt rings.