傩 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
儺 nuó,又稱 儺祭 、 儺儀,本字“𩴓”,是中国傳統的一种 祭祀 活动。 它以 驅鬼 逐疫 、 酬神 納吉為目的,以 巫術 活動為中心,是 自然崇拜 、 祖先崇拜 、鬼神崇拜及 萬物有靈 觀念的產 …
nzuo.me - nancy zuo
i'm an experience designer, artist, writer, researcher, filmmaker, and developer interested in how stories from the past shape the present and future. particularly, i'm interested in how …
ꋹ - 彝语音节 Nzuo, Unicode 编号: U+A2F9 了解符号意义并 复制 …
在 SYMBL ( ‿ ) 上发现并复制符号 ꋹ 彝语音节 Nzuo 的意义! Unicode 编号: U+A2F9. HTML: ꋹ. 子块 「音節」 在块 「彝文音节」 中。 了解在哪里以及如何使用这个符号!
诺(拼音:nuò)是现代汉语次常用字 [1],最早见于 甲骨文 [2]。 从言,若声。 本义是答应,后引申出顺从,允诺等义。 诺,形声字。 《说文》:“诺,𧭭也。 从言,若声。 ”“𧭭”即答应之“应” …
“ꋹ” U+A2F9 Yi Syllable Nzuo Unicode Character - Compart
U+A2F9 is the unicode hex value of the character Yi Syllable Nzuo. Char U+A2F9, Encodings, HTML Entitys:ꋹ,ꋹ, UTF-8 (hex), UTF-16 (hex), UTF-32 (hex)
"ꋹ" U+A2F9: Yi Syllable Nzuo (Unicode Character)
The character ꋹ (Yi Syllable Nzuo) is represented by the Unicode codepoint U+A2F9. It is encoded in the Yi Syllables block, which belongs to the Basic Multilingual Plane.
U+A2F9 YI SYLLABLE NZUO: ꋹ – Unicode – Codepoints
ꋹ, codepoint U+A2F9 YI SYLLABLE NZUO in Unicode, is located in the block “Yi Syllables”. It belongs to the Yi script and is a Other Letter.
U+A2F9 , ꋹ , is called "YI SYLLABLE NZUO", a letter, within the 'Yi Syllables' block (U+A000 through U+A48F)
ꋹ - Yi Syllable Nzuo, Unicode Number: U+A2F9 Symbol Meaning …
Discover the meaning and copy the symbol ꋹ Yi Syllable Nzuo on SYMBL ( ‿ )! Unicode number: U+A2F9. HTML: ꋹ. Subblock “Syllables” in Block “Yi Syllables”. Find out where and …