Olumide O. Dada - Google Scholar
S Ali, AA Adamu, AB Hassan, E Dominic, O Dada, A Abdullahi. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 39 (1), 174-181, 2023. 5: 2023: The Clinical and cost-effectiveness of telerehabilitation for people with nonspecific chronic low back pain: Randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth uHealth, 8 (6), e15375.
Professor Dada, Adewumi Oluwasogo - Google Scholar
AO Dada, AP Olalekan, AM Olatunya, O Dada. IOSR Journal of applied chemistry 3 (1), 38-45, 2012. 2544: 2012: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using terrestrial fern (Gleichenia Pectinata (Willd.) C. Presl.): characterization and antimicrobial studies. AG Femi-Adepoju, AO Dada, KO Otun, AO Adepoju, OP Fatoba.
Oluwabunmi M. Dada - Google Scholar
Abstract D090: Can exposure to environmental chemical and biologic agents increase the risk of prostate cancer and its outcomes?
Dadaism: 12 Iconic Artworks From The Dada Art Movement
2024年8月5日 · Here are major Dadaist paintings, sculptures, and collages. Dadaism was an avant-garde artistic and cultural movement prompted by the European societal climate after World War I. It was a rejection of modern capitalism, bourgeois culture, and wartime politics that aligned with other far-left radical groups.
O Dada | Nishi/Akash | Bangla New Song | Mysound BD - YouTube
2016年3月12日 · Mysound BDSong - O DadaSinger - Nishi/AkashAlbam - Monchura RupobotiBy - Mysound BD-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Watch: "KOLIJA | ABID | SHUKH | NEW BANGLA MUSIC VIDEO 201...
Residential Commercial Company Principals Press
ODADA is an internationally-recognized interior design firm known for a clean, sophisticated aesthetic: a meticulously-edited take on luxury. Its portfolio includes interiors private …
Dadaísmo: origem, características, obras e artistas - Toda Matéria
O Dadaísmo, ou simplesmente “Dadá”, foi um movimento artístico pertencente às vanguardas europeias do século XX, cujo lema era: "a destruição também é criação". Foi considerado o movimento propulsor das ideias surrealistas e tinha um caráter ilógico, anti-racionalista e …
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오다다 Odada
오다다, 매일 물처럼 마시는 이너케어 티 브랜드