Prior enlisted (O1E) info (points, pay) - Air National Guard / Air ...
2009年11月17日 · 10 U.S.C. § 12732(a)(2) service as a warrant officer and/or enlisted member are entitled to the special rate of basic pay for pay grade O-1E, O-2E, or O-3E. Creditable Service for Certain Reserve Commissioned Officers. Effective January 1, 2002, commissioned officers in pay grades O-1, O-2, and O-3 who are paid from funds appropriated for ...
O-1 vs. O-1E requirements - Government, Military - allnurses
2009年7月2日 · Just curious what the requirements are to be enter as an O-1E (officer, prior enlisted). I have just a few days short of 4 years prior enlistment time, but I've read that the Air Force requires 4 years and 1 day prior enlistment to qualify as an O-1E. I would fall literally less than week short of that requirement.
O-1E Pay-grade - OTS Points - ROTC & OTS Lounge - Baseops …
2020年6月2日 · I'm an ANG guy of almost 8 years (mostly DSG, now Title 32) and I've accumulated a lot of retirement points, but not quite the 1460 points that the O-1E pay-grade requires. Not trying to count my chickens before they hatch, but I have been trying to figure out what I can do to squeeze those last points out before commissioning.
Single vs. married pay - Military Spouses - Baseops Forums
2005年9月24日 · A married O-3 stationed at Columbus Miss,is going to get a different BAH than a married O-3 stationed at Seymour Johnson, NC, becuase the average cost of housing is different in each location. Hoser 2 years later...
Becoming an FNP through the military - Government, Military
2010年4月15日 · I'm a prior service army medic that serviced 4 years and some change. When i get back in I'm expecting O-1E pay w/ 4 years, which is more pay than what a BSN would make straight out of school (at least in DC). I've heard of people saying just go through FNP school yourself and then join up after...
enlisted going to officer as a nurse - Government, Military - allnurses
2017年12月5日 · If so, you would commission as an O-1 but would rate the "E" designator in regards to pay for your prior service. So, if you are looking at a pay scale, you would look at the O-1E pay and not the O-1 pay.
Enlisted to Officer - General Discussion - Baseops Forums
2004年6月24日 · I was active for 3 1/2 and a little over a year in the reserves before I was commissioned. I didn't get the O-1E pay but I did get the over 4 years of service pay. There isn't a huge difference in base pay...the real difference is in the BAH rates. I was only getting paid about $50 less a month compared to an O-1E/O-2E until I pinned on O-3.
O-1E paperwork (Army) - Government, Military - allnurses
2008年10月8日 · Test Prep; Best Free Online NCLEX-RN Study Guide; The Nursing Process; Question Leveling; NCLEX-RN Question Identification
Air Force Nurse/Age/Demand - Government, Military - allnurses
2015年6月2日 · Good luck!! You'd get that O-1E pay with your prior service. Down Vote; Up Vote ...
Enlisted to Pilot - Pilot Selection Process - Baseops Forums
2010年2月13日 · If i do make it this year and thats a big IF...yes i will be sad because i will miss O-1E pay by less than 1 year but knowing that i am pursuing my dream will make up for that. The gameplan for now after talking with a few prior enlisted pilots who have given me some really good advice is study for the AFOQT, every which way i can but study for ...