What is the difference between O & O2 - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2017年1月10日 · $\ce O$ is a free oxygen atom and $\ce{O2}$ is two oxygen atoms chemically bound to form an oxygen molecule. There is no common analogy for $\ce C$, but $\ce{N2}$ is …
If oxygen is #"O"#, then what is #"O"_2# - Socratic
2018年5月21日 · Because it isn't stable as a single atom It's true that Oxygen, can be termed as "O". But one oxygen atom cant exist on its own, because its unstable. Usually any atom needs …
Why is oxygen written as O2? Can anyone please explain to me
2016年12月13日 · The Periodic Table lists just the symbol for one atom of each element. > The oxygen we breathe consists of molecules. Each molecule consists of two oxygen atoms joined …
Why is O2 a molecule? + Example - Socratic
2017年6月26日 · Because it fits the definition of molecule which is "two or more atoms of the same or of different elements bonded together". A molecule is two or more atoms of the same …
Why do we call O2 oxygen? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2018年11月25日 · Diamond and graphite are both arrangements of carbon atoms, each with very different properties and yet they are both pure carbon, as is a single carbon atom, of course. …
Why does oxygen form an O^(2-) ion and not an O^(3-) ion
2018年6月8日 · An electrically-neutral oxygen atom gains two electrons to form an oxygen ion with two negative charges. Notice how the charge conserves in this process. The two …
Why is the first ionization enthalpy of molecular O2 less than …
2020年9月17日 · According to the MO diagrams, the bond order of $\ce{O2}$ is 2 and that of the cation $\ce{O2+}$ is 2.5 (after all, we are removing an antibonding electron). Indeed, the bond …
Effective nuclear charge of oxygen atom (O) vs oxygen anion (O2-)
2019年7月5日 · The size of an anion is greater compared to its parent atom because former's effective nuclear charge is lesser than that of latter. I found on wikipedia that the effective …
What is the charge of O2? - Socratic
2018年1月16日 · If O has a charge of 2- then does O2 have a charge of 4-? ... where each oxygen atom is associated with 9 ...
Whats the difference between 2O and O2 [duplicate]
2017年5月30日 · $\begingroup$ The 2 O represents two separate oxygen atoms, ( not connected to one another so free to move around and react independently ), the $\ce{O2}$ is molecular …