Oxygen K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectra | Chemical Reviews
2020年4月10日 · Tillborg et al. studied the oxygen K-edge XAS spectra of CO adsorbed on three different sites on a Ni(100) surface, respectively, hollow sites, bridge sites, and on-top sites. The energy position and relative intensity of the oxygen K …
Clarifying the origin of molecular O2 in cathode oxides - Nature
6 天之前 · Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering measurements suggest that the oxidized oxygen species in high-energy Li-rich oxide cathodes are trapped molecular O2, which is also observed in O-redox-inactive ...
【文献解读】JACS:调控氧化路径机制实现可持续酸性OER - 哔哩 …
2024年11月18日 · 研究通过X射线吸收光谱(XAS)进一步研究了Cr0.6Ru0.4O2的电子结构和局部键合环境。 在Ru K 边的XANES分析中,Cr0.6Ru0.4O2的光谱与参考RuO2非常接近,表明Ru主要处于+4价态(图2c)。
周豪慎&乔羽教授Joule:Li-O-vacancy构型助力层状氧化物中可逆 …
2022年6月4日 · 该项研究证明了可以通过Li-O-vacancy构型在Li基氧化物中激发氧相关氧化还原反应,并且可以有效地抑制氧活化过程中不可逆的晶格氧损失。 作者通过从钠电材料Na2Mn3O7嫁接Mn本征空位,开发了一种新型的无Co/Ni层状氧化物正极材料Li4/7 [ 1/7Mn6/7]O2( :Mn空位)。 将阴离子氧与阳离子锰的氧化还原活性相结合,Li4/7 [ 1/7Mn6/7]O2获得了312 mAh g-1的高输出容量和970 Wh Kg-1的能量密度。 受益于TM层内稳定的Mn空位,Li4/7 [ 1/7Mn6/7]O2表现出 …
Direct Identification of O─O Bond Formation Through Three‐Step ...
2024年8月1日 · In this study, operando soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (sXAS) at the O K-edge and the operando Raman spectra is performed on layered double CoFe hydroxides (LDHs) after intercalation with [Cr (C 2 O 4) 3] 3−, and revealed a three-step oxidation process, staring from Co 2+ to Co 3+, further to Co 4+ (3d6L), and ultimately leading to the forma...
Structural development on Ru and RuO2 electrodes during oxygen ...
2024年12月10日 · Time resolved in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) in soft X-ray region was used to characterize polarized interphase on Ru and Ru oxide based electrodes under oxygen evolution reaction (OER) conditions. XAS spectra were used to align the type and population of oxygen-containing species formed at electrodes at anodic potentials with ...
O K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) has been widely used as a sensitive probe of chemical speciation and electronic structure in a range of materials (Frati et al., 2020). In common with other soft X-ray measurements, and as a consequence of the low penetration of the beams at these energies, experiments at the O K-edge often need to be
X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy in bioinorganic chemistry ...
2013年1月15日 · This study was among the first Metal K- and L-edge XAS investigation of a transition metal–O 2 species. The XAS data could not only explain geometric and electronic structure differences between the two molecules but combined with DFT, could shed light on the electronic control of the nitrogenous ligand in tuning the final electronic structure.
北航郭林/刘利民/康建新团队重磅JACS: 原位Raman和XAS光谱揭示 …
为了进一步探究催化剂的结晶性对催化反应的影响,团队利用原位XAFS分别对非晶氧化铋锡催化剂和非晶氧化铋锡催化剂在尿素合成过程及硝酸根还原过程中催化剂的结构变化进行表征(图6)。 结合性能测试的结果与近边的数据来看,高氧化态的Bi和Sn对于NO 3- 的化学吸附能力更强,更适合独立的硝酸根还原合成氨反应。
氧 K 边 X 射线吸收光谱。,Chemical Reviews - X-MOL
We start with an overview of the main experimental aspects of oxygen K-edge X-ray absorption measurements including X-ray sources, monochromators, and detection schemes. Many recent oxygen K-edge studies combine X-ray absorption with time and spatially resolved measurements and/or operando conditions.