OAM Beams Generation Technology in Optical Fiber: A Review
In optical fiber, the Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) mode is a special mode with spatially infinite orthogonality. It provides a new multiplexing method to the communication capacity shortage problem and solves the complexity and high energy loss of OAM beams in space.
Design, fabrication and validation of an OAM fiber supporting 36 …
We present an optical fiber supporting 36 information bearing orbital angular momentum (OAM) states spanning 9 OAM orders. We introduce design techniques to maximize the number of OAM modes supported in the fiber; while avoiding LP mode excitation. We fabricate such a fiber with an air core and an annular index profile using the MCVD process.
1-Pbps orbital angular momentum fibre-optic transmission
2022年7月5日 · By exploiting the unique propagation characteristics of orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes in ring core fibres (RCFs), a system that combines SDM and C + L band dense wavelength-division...
Orbital Angular Momentum in Fibers | IEEE Journals & Magazine …
Here, we give a tutorial overview of OAM in fibers. We first introduce the basic theories, including the eigenmode analysis method, mode coupling theory, and spin-orbit mapping of light in fibers. We then give a detailed classification of OAM fibers …
Optical fibers for the transmission of orbital angular momentum …
2017年2月1日 · Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light is a promising means for exploiting the spatial dimension of light to increase the capacity of optical fiber links. We summarize how OAM enables efficient mode multiplexing for optical communications, with emphasis on …
Design, fabrication and validation of an OAM fiber supporting
2014年10月20日 · We present an optical fiber supporting 36 information bearing orbital angular momentum (OAM) states spanning 9 OAM orders. We introduce design techniques to maximize the number of OAM modes supported in the fiber; while avoiding LP mode excitation. We fabricate such a fiber with an air core and an a …
Theoretical analyses on orbital angular momentum modes in
2017年6月21日 · Orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes are another mode basis to represent spatial modes. There have been increasing interests in exploiting OAM modes in specialty fibres....
Generation, Transmission and Application of Orbital Angular Momentum …
2021年11月28日 · This paper introduces the OAM generation and transmission system based on fiber, summarizes the current photonic crystal fiber, ring core fiber, fiber grating and other all-fiber systems that can support OAM modes, and explains some experimental principles.
Generation of Orbital Angular Momentum Modes Using Fiber …
In this paper, the basic concepts of fiber modes, the principle of generation and detection of orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes are exhaustive discussed, and the recent advances of OAM generation in fiber systems are reviewed, which are expected to make a contribution to space-division multiplexing optical fiber transmission systems, atom ...
Highly Dispersive Optical Fiber for Orbital Angular Momentum …
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes, featured by the unique properties of the helical phase front and annular intensity profile, have shown enormous potential for a wide range of applications. Optical fibers with ring-shape profile have been experimentally proven for supporting stable OAM beam propagation.