Production truck - Wikipedia
A television production truck or OB van is a small mobile production control room to allow filming of events and video production at locations outside a regular television studio. They are used for remote broadcasts, outside broadcasting (OB), and electronic field production (EFP).
Outside broadcasting - Wikipedia
Outside broadcasting (OB) is the electronic field production (EFP) of television or radio programmes (typically to cover television news and sports television events) from a mobile remote broadcast television studio.
OB. TVC - UAB TVC Solutions
TVC has designed and built over 70 custom built OB vans. OB TEAM is the product of this long list of unique OB vans and solutions created over the years. OB TEAM combines great exterior looks, ergonomic interior designs and high build quality. Standardized coach solutions ensure timely delivery, well defined project scope and budgets.
Mobile Units & OB Trucks - NEP Group's Broadcast Services
With more than 140 HD OB trucks /mobile units worldwide, a full line of support and specialty units, and an in-house integration team that specializes in building custom solutions, we’re ready for coverage of any event, large or small.
5G 4K 全NDI IP转播车|轻量移动直播间|融媒体直播车 |千视电子
在线字幕工位可通过OBS/vMix/Tricaster等工具,配合电脑,可实现字幕系统功能。 同时作为备路工位,做好主备两手准备。 转播车支持卡侬转DANTE/NDI网络,通过Dante音频控制系统,处理多路音频信号。 硬件方面:整车采用多层防震设计,配备防震定制底盘、防震机柜以及高铁级的专用防震静音地板。 软件方面:转播车配有主备两套系统,在主系统出现故障时,可立即切换备用系统。 另外,可开启虚拟机,构建云端服务器,当一台服务器崩溃,它会自动融合到另外一台服 …
Being the first OB Van worldwide, the SBS OB Van works with 12G-SDI UHD Single Link format, using Ikegami cameras and vision mixers. For video-routing and multiviewers SBS relies on Evertz equipment. The customer’s requirements for a compact yet high-powerful vehicle were realized by Broadcast Solutions’ vast experience in building OB Vans.
OB Trucks, Vans & Fly Packs - Broadcasting Media Services
105 OB Trucks & Vans worldwide: The largest and most versatile fleet. Always ready to deliver. At MEDIAPRO BMS, we take pride in operating one of the most complete international fleets. Our OB’s and Fly Packs are essential tools that enable us to deliver high-quality, live content with efficiency, precision, and accuracy.
OB Vans - VIDAU Systems
Vidau Systems creates OB Vans on two-and three-axle monochassis or semitrailers, and also on the off-road chassis. The chassis base might be Volvo or Mercedes, MAN or Scania. In addition, Vidau Systems is a partner of KAMAZ with production of special-purpose vehicles.
OB Vans - ARET
Premium quality Radio OB Vans for live radio productions, audio recording and live broadcast. First-class military and police vehicles for surveillance, security, border monitoring, and defense.
TVLB-UHD2 OB van adopts a double expanding semi-trailer, a UHD 24+2-channel wireless system, master system IP mode and baseband signal backup and may realize UHD/HDR production and be compatible with HD/SDR production; the van body is designed to have a separate second production area to realize dual-production; 27 positions are designed to ...