INFUSE™ | Dow Inc.
INFUSE™ OBC offers excellent comfort stretch, body fit, breathability and discreetness to support waistbands, panels, ears, landing strips and more that address the needs of the user. View the INFUSE™ OBC products offered for healthcare and hygiene elastic film applications.
INFUSE烯烃嵌段共聚物 (OBCs)与聚烯烃弹性体 (POE)相比,有着很多独一无二的特性:弹性与耐高温性平衡的改进/具有较高的结晶温度,加工时能快速成型/无论室温下还是高温下,都具有更好的弹性恢复和压缩形变/耐磨性得到提高,这些优点使得INFUSE OBCs成为一种优秀的柔性聚合物替代品。 1.优异的高低温稳定性. INFUSE™烯烃嵌段共聚物 (OBC)s比起现有的烯烃弹性体,在很宽的温度范围内,OBC泡沫体的硬度变化很小,在高温状态下性能温度性也非常好,并且在零 …
polyolefin copolymers. The INFUSE™ OBC product offering features resins for a variety of fabrication processes – creating exciting possibilities for polymer converters, processors, and formulators – for new products, new applications, and new markets. Figure 1: Melt Index vs. Density of INFUSE™ Olefin Block Copolymers Products(1,2)
POP丨POE丨OBC: 各类材料性能揭秘 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年2月16日 · Engage是Dow公司于1994年采用INSITE技术推出的茂金属聚烯烃弹性体,该产品也是乙烯-辛烯共聚物,近年也推出了乙烯-丁烯共聚物。 典型的Engage弹性体中共聚单体辛烯含量在20%以上。 与传统聚合物相比,它的分子量分布和短支链分布很窄,因而具有优异的物理机械性能(高弹性、高强度和高伸长率)和良好的低温性能。 其分子链是饱和的,所含叔碳原子相对较少,因而具有优异的耐热老化和抗紫外线性能。 窄的分子量分布使材料在注射和挤出加工过 …
Huntsman-维沃 - Vivo Chem
VIVO, as a supplier of OBC adhesive products, has been providing customers with high-quality OBC adhesive products and services perfectly for many years. More Momentive—Formed in Place Gasket (FIPG)
Polymers for Adhesive Compounds
Ethylene acrylic acid copolymer based adhesives are commonly used for bonding glass, leather, textiles and metals. Olefin block copolymers (OBC) can be used to replace SIS / SBS in pressure sensitive adhesive applications. TPUs are also used in adhesives.
OBC - 知乎
新能源汽车车载充电机(OBC)将交流充电桩的交流电转换为动力电池所需的直流电,实现对动力电池的充电,使用交流充桩充电的新能源汽车需要搭载车载充电机。 [图片] ①、认识车载OBC说人话就是:车载OBC (On-Board Charger)是安装在新能源电动车内的零部件,它将交流充电桩输出的交流电转化为高压直流电,给整车高压动力电池充电。 [图片] 根据结构分类,车载OBC可分为单向、双向和集成式车载OBC。 单向车载OBC只能给动力电池充电,双向车载OBC可… 专注智能 …
RT125 is the industry standard adhesive for high performance cable harness assemblies as well as providing high performance bonding to difficult substrates such as PTFE and flexible rubbers. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Got questions? Email us [email protected].
Premium Industrial & Electronic Adhesive Solutions Supplier from …
The most comprehensive adhesive solutions in China with six sectors (Silicone, Polyurethane, Epoxy, Acrylic, MS, and Inorganic adhesive) and more than 2000 products to build core competencies. What certificates or approvals are available for Huitian's products?
2023年10月17日 · 车载充电机(OBC, on-board charger)作为新能源电动汽车的关键部件,肩负着将交流电转换为电池所需的直流电的重要任务。 随着技术的发展,现代OBC系统的功率和集成度不断提高,这也使得其热管理需求日益凸显。 本文将深入探讨车载OBC系统的热管理需求和导热灌封胶在其中的重要作用。 1. 车载OBC系统的热管理需求. 随着OBC功率从3.3 kW、6.6 kW增至11 kW甚至更高,以及设计趋向于集成化,其内部产生的热量也随之增大。 而设计的集成化要求 …
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