OBC-NG: Towards a reconfigurable on-board computing architecture …
The objective of the ongoing project OBC-NG (On-board Computer - Next Generation) is to find new concepts for on-board-computer to fulfill future requirements. The concept presented in this paper is based on a distributed reconfigurable system, consisting of different nodes for processing, management and interface operations.
Advanced Spacecraft Computers | Beyond Gravity
The Next Generation On Board Computer (OBC NG) is a state-of-the-art on-board computer that is designed to meet the needs of the most demanding spacecraft missions. It is based on the radiation-hardened CREOLE chip developed by Beyond Gravity, which provides high performance and reliability in even the harshest environments.
The OBC NG is the latest in a family of on board computers that have successfully been powering various LEO, MEO, GEO and interplanetary spacecraft for decades. Options • Non-redundant unit for small spacecraft applications • Resizing from zero …
Development of the CREOLE ASIC and the Next-Generation On …
Complemented by a power supply module, these modules form the next-generation OBC (OBC-NG) unit, which has already been selected for use in several institutional ESA missions, such as PLATO, CO2M and ARIEL.This paper will provide an overview of the development and architectures of CREOLE, the SBC core, and the rest of the modules comprising the ...
OBC-NG is the abbreviation for n o-b oard-c omputer n ext g eneration – a project founded and made by the German Aerospace Center (DLR. The project goal is) to provide the basis for future on-board computer (OBC) for space-missions. This document summarizes the workconducted , made in the DLR-project OBC-NG
OBC NG EQM unit built within BGS internally funded study for qualification of new mechanical concept. Will enable the use of new ADHA modules while maintaining the optimized CREOLE-based OBC core. OBC-NG CAD model with core modules (CPS+CM) to the left and 4 ADHA slots to the right. Thanks for listening!
Avionics Platform Data Handling | Space Equipment | Airbus
Modular and compact remote interface unit for medium and large satellite platforms. An evolution, with increased capabilities, of Airbus Crisa's highly successful and reliable units totalling more than 90 cumulated years in orbit in Earth observation platforms.
electronic library - OBC-NG Concept and Implementation - DLR
OBC-NG is the abbreviation for on-board-computer next generation – a project founded and made by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The project goal is to provide the basis for future on-board computer (OBC) for space-missions.
OBC-NG: Towards a Reconfigurable On-board Computing …
The objective of the ongoing project OBC-NG (On-board Computer – Next Generation) is to find new concepts for on-board-computer to fulfill future requirements. The concept presented in this paper is based on a distributed re-configurable system, consisting of different nodes for processing, management and interface operations.
OBC-NG Concept and Implementation | Request PDF
2016年1月20日 · OBC-NG is the abbreviation for on-board-computer next generation – a project founded and made by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The project goal is to provide the...