T-64主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
432工程最初使用的複合裝甲是由80公厘厚度鋼板外殼,搭配兩層均為52公厘厚度的纖維強化塑膠,以及20公厘鋼板內殼結合而成,可防禦330公厘穿甲深度的動能彈頭。但這個防禦效果仍認為不足,改良後的複合裝甲材質換用了鋼質與鋁合金結合的複合裝甲,防禦 ...
T-64 - Wikipedia
From 1961, an alternative to the Object 432 was studied, with a 12 V-cylinder V-45 engine: the Object 436. Three prototypes were tested in 1966 in the Chelyabinsk factory. The order was to develop a model derived from the 434 with the same engine given to the Object 438, later renamed as the Object 439.
Object 432 Heavy tank - GlobalSecurity.org
The Obiekt 432 enjoyed two major firepower advantages over the T-62 in spite of similar gun ballistics. The Obiekt 432 used an autoloader, giving it a theoretical rate of fire of 10 rounds per...
T-64 115mm / Object 432 the first MBT of the second generation!
2024年1月29日 · The Object 432 tank was created in 1962_ _ . in Kharkov by the design bureau of the plant named after. VA Malysheva (chief designer AA Morozov) based on the latest achievements of science and technology of that time and had the highest combat properties among medium tanks mass-produced in the first post-war period.
T-64 Main Battle Tank (1963)
The Object 432 at the Kubinka museum. As work continued on the new Object 430U and its 122 mm (4.8 in) smoothbore gun, the Object 432 was started in parallel, with an equally revolutionary 115 mm (4.53 in) D-68 smoothbore gun, for the first time coupled with a fully functional electro-hydraulic autoloading system.
苏联对t64a,酋长mk5,以及m60a1的防护对比 ① - 哔哩哔哩
“对象432”(t-64)坦克在当时不仅在苏联坦克中拥有最强大的装甲防护力。 而且同期世界上没有任何中型或重型坦克,主战坦克可以匹敌T-64的防护能力,包括英国“酋长”坦克,苏联研究人员认为这是当时最强的西方坦克。
血与火的试炼,冷战时期苏联导弹坦克发展小史 - 哔哩哔哩
Obj.287反坦克歼击车沿用了Obj.432项目的底盘,Obj.432项目是Obj.430系列的后续计划之一,装备了新的主炮以及复合装甲。 可以视为T-64的原型车之一,而Obj.287反坦克歼击车便沿用了这种坦克的底盘,该车重36.5吨,搭载一具2冲程卧式5缸对置活塞水冷涡轮增压柴油发动机,其输出功率达700匹马力,虽然比T-64少了50匹,但由于该车总重量仅有36.5吨,所以其最大速度仍然能够达到66km/h,机动能力很强。
带给你双倍快乐的陶瓷球装甲姐妹——Object.432与LT432 - 钢铁华 …
Supertest – Object 432 - The Armored Patrol
2018年9月14日 · The new Premium tank is quite like the top vehicle of the Soviet light tank branch: low silhouette, great camo, and a hard-hitting weapon (for a light tank). Gameplay-wise, the Object 432 is different from its progression Tier VIII counterpart, the LTTB, being able to combine spotting with damage dealing (while the LTTB is more
Supertest: LT-432 (Full Stats) - The Armored Patrol
2018年9月18日 · With the Obj. 432, the big thing to look at if it is overpowered or no is the ammo capacity. If it has the same capacity as the WZ-131, then no it\’s not. But if it has a higher ammo capacity, then it could be.