Obiekt 490A - Wikipedia
The Obiekt 490A "Rebel" (Russian: Объект 490А Бунтарь), or Object 490A, was a Soviet experimental main battle tank developed between 1981 and 1982. [1] [2] Only two prototypes were ever produced, neither of which was capable of firing due to time constraints. Neither of the vehicles was completed before their production was ceased.
Object-490 你从未见过的奇葩设计 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年9月15日 · Object-490A “反叛者”的第一个版本,口径是125mm. “反叛者”的第二个版本,口径是152mm. 1989年,莫洛佐夫设计局又开了个新坑,要求60吨以下要极厚的装甲和152mm炮还得防攻顶。 于是坦克发展史上最奇葩的设计就诞生了。 (前两个还好咋到你这就丑成这样,还有为啥老和490这个数字过不去) 今天的主角. 布局. 早期版Object-490的木制模型. 1-油箱 2-动力舱 3-炮塔 4-弹药库 5-乘员舱. 这无疑是坦克发展史上最有特色的布局,油箱在最前面还有个备用 …
Soviet 80s Future tank projects. Object “ 490” , Object “490A” …
The object “490A” (research theme Rebel) had 125 mm gun of increased power installed with charges of a variable form, the placement of weapons made it possible to ensure a sufficiently high, by Soviet standards, the declension angle of the gun - 8 °.
Future Soviet Tank of the 21st century. Object “ 490”
A 125-mm cannon was installed on the “Object 490A” (with cannon designed for rounds with variable form charges), and talks about raising the caliber have been going on for a long time. Disputes began about which caliber to choose - 140 mm or 152 mm.
【图片】我决定来水一发( ゚ ゚)/苏联490/477相关【重兵器吧】_ …
据称,490a的火控系统“Argus ”为综合火控摄像头、热成像仪以及雷达的多通道综合火控,各传感器捕捉的目标影像通过计算机整合成清晰目标图像给车组成员。
490工程“Belka(松鼠)” - 哔哩哔哩
490a“拳击手”的主动防护系统(aps)可选装“竞技场”“雨”或“标准”,炮塔两侧的装置即为aps的探测雷达 477原型车之一,副武器为30mm机炮 490A项目研发流程可归纳为:490A& #34;反叛&# 34;(125/130mm主炮)-----490A“拳击手”(多种发射药的152mm主炮)----477“铁锤 ...
Obiekt 490 - Wikipedia
The Obiekt 490 "Poplar", or Object 490, was an experimental Soviet tank developed in the early 1980s. [1] . Two versions of the vehicle existed under the same project name, however the designs were radically different, with the second being one of the most unusual designs in the history of tank development. [2] .
新时代的开始-490工程A“反叛” - 哔哩哔哩
2023年2月10日 · 490工程A使用了当时苏联最高水准的火控系统,炮手拥有一个白光通道的整合瞄准镜和一个热成像瞄准镜,两者分别位于炮塔的右侧和左侧,车长拥有一个周视镜,但没有热成像功能. 炮手的瞄准系统包括一个热成像瞄准镜和一个白光瞄准镜,整合了激光测距,炮射导弹制导功能,自动目标跟踪,自动目标捕获,车长也可以使用热成像瞄准镜进行超越控制. 车长周视镜被安装于炮手白光镜的后上方,可以为车长提供优秀的视野,但当时这种周视镜的性能并不好, …
苏联各种未投产的坦克工程的坦克(或已投产坦克的原型车)有哪 …
2015年9月19日 · 2A3的整车长度为20.02米,宽3.07米,战斗全重64吨,由一台功率750马力的V-12型 柴油发动机 驱动。 它的406毫米火炮炮口初速达到了每秒716米,能将570公斤的核炮弹抛射到25.6公里之外(这门炮原来是苏联人为战列舰准备的舰炮),根据估计,2A3“聚光器-2P” 原子炮 的单发威力相当于5000门155毫米火炮齐射! (为什么? 类似279工程这种家喻户晓的就不用讲了,对类似490A工程这类资料不好找的坦克很感兴趣。 附一个在外网找到…
Object 490 Tank | Object 490A Tank | Object 490 TOPOL
The Object 490 Tank is a former advanced Russian main battle tank that led to the Object 490A and Object 490 TOPOL. Full history and details.
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