Differentiating OBT Color Variants - Arachnoboards
2021年5月25日 · I wanted to start a thread to share the different variants of this amazing species that covers such a vast area. A lot of people see the following TCF, DCF, BCF, OCF, RCF etc …
Colour variants of Pterinochilus murinus by locality
2016年4月8日 · A lot of people see the following TCF, DCF, BCF, OCF, RCF etc following P. murinus. Here is what they stand for-BCF - Brown Colour Form DCF - Dark Colour Form OCF …
Pterinochilus murinus Color Forms? - Arachnoboards
2010年4月25日 · From the site it says there are four color forms. Named after the colouration of the type, different pale beigecolouration, sometimes with a greenish sheen, long setae on legs …
Orange Baboon Tarantula OBT (Pterinochilus murinus) tcf care ... - YouTube
2022年9月24日 · In this video we cover care, husbandry, and feeding Pterinochilus murinus tcf, also known as the OBT, Orange Baboon Tarantula, Mombasa Golden Starburst or Orange …
Pterinochilus murinus - Wikipedia
TCF - Typical Colour Form - Kenya, Mozambique; Pterinochilus murinus BCF showing brownish yellow coloration. These colour variants are found in different geographical locations, and the …
I love my OBT - Tarantula Forum
2023年2月4日 · TCF: typical colour form named after the colouration of the type, different pale beige colouration, sometimes with a greenish sheen, long setae on legs and abdomen pale …
Pterinochilus murinus 'TCF' 0.5" - Spider Shoppe
This strain is the Typical Color Form (TCF) of the Orange Baboon Tarantula (OBT) Pterinochilus murinus Pocock and comes from Kenya and Mozambique. The TCF is the largest of all OBTs, …
OB3 Pack - The Spider Shop
There are four main colour forms, each of which differ slightly in colour and pattern: typical (TCF), red (RCF), Usamburu mountain variant (UMV) and dark (DCF). Each form differs in not only …
Pterinochilus murinus TETE - Arachnoboards
2017年7月9日 · This gal here is the BCF from Tete national park Mozambique. (Chocolate OBT) OCF and RCF are mix of Usambara locality and the TCF (typical)
Orange Baboon Tarantula: Care, Info, Pictures & More
2022年4月14日 · The Orange Baboon Tarantula, also known as the Pterinochilus Murinus, is an Old World Terrestrial tarantula species. This species is very popular among tarantula …