Goal 15: Life on land - The Global Goals
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
ODS 15 Vida de ecosistemas terrestres | Pacto Mundial ONU
El ODS 15 pretende impulsar un uso sostenible de los ecosistemas terrestres, principalmente a través de la lucha contra la deforestación y la degradación del suelo, adoptar medidas para conservar la diversidad biológica, protegiendo las especies animales y vegetales amenazadas y combatir la caza furtiva y el tráfico de especies protegidas.
Goal 15 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs
SDG 15 underscores the critical importance of biodiversity as humanity’s life-support system. Yet, the relentless depletion of forests, coupled with an alarming rate of species extinction and...
THE 17 GOALS - Sustainable Development
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality...
Bosques, desertificación y diversidad biológica - Desarrollo Sostenible
El Objetivo 15 pretende conservar la vida de ecosistemas terrestres. Busca proteger y restablecer los ecosistemas terrestres, gestionar sosteniblemente los bosques, luchar contra la...
Sustainable Development Goal 15 - Wikipedia
Sustainable Development Goal 15 (SDG 15 or Global Goal 15) is about "Life on land". One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015, the official wording is: "Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests , combat desertification , and halt and reverse ...
Objetivo 15 | Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - ODS
2018年10月4日 · El 30% de la superficie terrestre está cubierta por bosques y estos, además de proporcionar seguridad alimentaria y refugio, son fundamentales para combatir el cambio climático, pues protegen la diversidad biológica y las viviendas de la población indígena.
GOAL 15: Life on land | UNEP - UN Environment Programme
Goal 15 focuses specifically on managing forests sustainably, halting and reversing land and natural habitat degradation, successfully combating desertification and stopping biodiversity loss. All these efforts combined aim to ensure that the benefits of land-based ecosystems, including sustainable livelihoods, will be enjoyed for generations ...
ODS 15 - Vida Terrestre - Ipea - Objetivos do Desenvolvimento …
Até 2020, assegurar a conservação, recuperação e uso sustentável de ecossistemas terrestres e de água doce interiores e seus serviços, em especial florestas, zonas úmidas, montanhas e terras áridas, em conformidade com as obrigações decorrentes dos acordos internacionais.
Smart Sensor - Occupancy Sensor - Vacancy Sensor - ODS15-IDW
Smart Sensor, PIR, Antimicrobial, Wallbox, App configurable; Auto-ON/Auto-OFF or Manual-ON/Auto-OFF, neutral wire required, 120/208/220/230/240/277VAC, 50/60Hz, Commercial Grade, White. Wall plate sold separately.