Office of Government Commerce - Wikipedia
The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) was a UK Government Office established as part of HM Treasury in 2000. It was moved into the Efficiency and Reform Group of the Cabinet Office in 2010, before being closed in 2011.
当世界上最不正经的Logo改邪归正后... - 数英网
2020年8月7日 · ogc是英国财政部属下一个独立部门,功能和职权包括按照既定政策及工序支援政府及公营机构的采购及政府合约的谈判。 OGC的LOGO是其名称缩写的三个字母水平排列组成,看上去没有什么问题,但是当你把它顺时针旋转90°后,你会发现一个相当尴尬的场面。
2-OGC: Open Gravitational-wave Catalog of Binary Mergers from …
2020年3月12日 · The 2-OGC catalog of gravitational-wave candidates from compact-binary coalescences spanning the full range of binary neutron star, NSBH, and BBH mergers is an analysis of the complete set of LIGO and Virgo public data from the observing runs in 2015–2017.
因为英国政府商务办公室(Office of Government Commerce,缩写OGC)某年斥巨资更换了logo,主元素就是OGC三个紧密相连的字母,后被英国媒体发现有奇怪的颜文字歧义……该梗才流传开来。
这14个Logo错误将“杀死”你的出海品牌! - 雨果跨境
2024年3月21日 · 英国政府商业办公室 (OGC) 的绿色 Logo 乍一看似乎没什么问题。 然而,当你将它顺时针旋转 90 度,就会发现它呈现出不可描述的形状。 原本象征着 OGC "通过提高采购标准和能力,改善性价比" 的公信力,却变成了一个反面教材。
An open gravitational-wave catalog v3.0 - Max Planck Society
2021年11月23日 · We present the third Open Gravitational-wave Catalog (3-OGC) of compact-binary coalescences, based on the analysis of the public LIGO and Virgo data from 2015 through 2019 (O1, O2, O3a). Our updated catalog includes a population of 57 observations, including four binary black hole mergers that had not previously been reported.
4-OGC: Catalog of gravitational waves from compact-binary mergers
2021年12月13日 · We present the fourth Open Gravitational-wave Catalog (4-OGC) of binary neutron star (BNS), binary black hole (BBH) and neutron star-black hole (NSBH) mergers. The catalog includes observations from 2015-2020 covering the first through third observing runs (O1, O2, O3a, O3b) of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo.
We present the third open gravitational-wave catalog (3-OGC) of compact-binary coalescences, based on the analysis of the public LIGO and Virgo data from 2015 through 2019 (O1, O2, O3a). Our updated catalog includes a population of 57 observations, including 4 binary black hole mergers that had not been previously reported. This
4-OGC: Catalog of gravitational waves from compact-binary mergers | 4-ogc
We present the fourth Open Gravitational-wave Catalog (4-OGC) of binary neutron star (BNS), binary black hole (BBH) and neutron star-black hole (NSBH) mergers. The catalog includes observations from 2015-2020 covering the first through third observing runs (O1, O2, O3a, O3b) of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo.
OGC - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
所以OGC的意思就是一個男生正在製造生命的種子。 如果是用腳 擼 的話,可以寫作OCG。 以及2P口腳的QCG,更有甚者的是QGG. 如果是女性的話,可以寫作OB>C (O是頭,B是歐派,>是雙手放在OO處,C是兩條腿)。 現在英國政府商務辦公室 由於不堪羞恥 已被併入其他政府部門,不再是獨立存在的機構。 此頁面最後編輯於 2022年8月7日 (週日) 18:02。