Optical Gaging Products | Metrology Equipment - OGP®
OGP systems meet the precise measurement challenges associated with the equipment needs in exploration and development of oil and gas reserves, oil and gas drilling and refining, as well as emerging renewable energy technologies.
Smartscope | 3D Measuring System | Dimensional Measurement - OGP…
First introduced in 1992, OGP® SmartScope measurement systems are one of the world’s most popular and versatile dimensional measurement systems for precision measurement challenges. SmartScope 3D multisensor systems combine optical, laser and tactile sensors, letting you measure parts more completely, with lower uncertainty and in less time.
Metrology Systems | Measurement Systems - OGP
With 75 years of technical innovation for metrology, OGP is recognized worldwide as a customer trusted supplier of non-contact and multisensor dimensional measuring systems. On occasion, it becomes necessary to discontinue a product.
关于OGP-奥智品光学仪器 - smartscope.com.cn
ogp上海公司,隶属于(qvi®) 集团是一家专为工业质量控制流程提供高精密非接触和多元传感测量系统的制造商。 奥智品光学仪器(上海)有限公司是QVI-OGP集团在中国设立的子公司,旨在更好的为大众服务。
影像仪_影像三次元_测量系统_光学|影像|三维测量仪器及系统-奥智 …
OGP测量系统为汽车零部件和整车厂提供CAD集成、大吞吐量和高可靠性的解决方案。 OGP解决方案提高了测量效率,有效的缩短了产品的交付周期,并获得了对产品质量更全面的评价。 提供正确的解决方案,以应对能源行业的精确测量挑战。 丰富的传感器种类,可以应对医疗设备制造各种微小和复杂的零部件测量。 可靠、快速、有效地测量简单和复杂的塑料件。 非接触的测量手段被越来越多的应用在3C产品的零部件测量领域中。 3d光学... 3d光学影像测量仪是一种集成了光 …
OGP SmartScope多传感器测量系统结合了光学、激光和触觉传感器,可以更完整地测量零件,不确定性更低,时间更短. 世界上更全面的测量软件ZONE3通过显示零件、传感器、基准对齐和测量系统之间的关系,代表了使用多传感器测量系统的全新方式。 ZONE3 使用 CAD 模型和其他创新功能来自动、轻松地生成测量程序。 灵活的系统,结合光学、触觉和激光传感器处理精密测量的挑战。 使用非接触式传感器进行关键测量需要复杂的软件。 了解如何使用先进的软件技术从视 …
OGP: Optical Gaging Products - Inspection Engineering
OGP’s family of products provide solutions in the automotive, aerospace, ceramics, electronics, plastics, medical, and metalworking industries. OGP has defined multi-sensor metrology systems. Through the combination of video measurement with multiple laser and touch probe sensors, an OGP system will perform more measurements than almost any ...
How to choose The Right OGP Measurement System
Identifying the range of parts you will need to measure is an important first step. Confirming the size, shape, and weight of parts, as well as the lot sizes and load / unload methods will help you select a system with the right measuring range and load carrying capacity.
OGP – Optical Gaging Products - LinkedIn
Overview: OGP (Optical Gaging Products) is a world-leading manufacturer of precision automatic multisensor dimensional metrology systems and metrology software for industrial quality control.
Service & Support - OGP®
OGP Services provides technical support, field service, calibration, and upgrade services for measuring systems manufactured by QVI and its brand families – OGP (Optical Gaging Products) and VIEW (View Micro-Metrology Products).