Use of Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) in Different …
2021年12月20日 · The Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) has been used to assess the impact that oral health problems can have on an individual's life. Different theoretical models were proposed to evaluate the results.
口腔健康影响程度量表(OHIP-14) - MedSci
口腔健康影响程度量表(ohip-14) 下列句子是描述个人口腔健康的,共14个问题,请根据您的真实情况选出您认为最能反映您实际状况的选项。 1.您是否曾因为口腔的问题而影响发音?
2012年7月4日 · 表(OHIP.14中文版)》与《老年口腔健康评价指数(GOHAI中文版)》进行测评, 了解两份量表各自的特点及应用范围,指导口腔健康相关生存质量临床研究的开
The Chinese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14 ...
2022年9月17日 · We aimed to explore the good fit model structure and test the reliability of the OHIP-14 Chinese version, especially an in-depth analysis of its invariance in gender, in order to provide scientific evidence for reference for the application of the OHIP-14 scale in China.
(PDF) Use of Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) in …
2021年12月20日 · The Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) has been used to assess the impact that oral health problems can have on an individual’s life. Different...
Recommendations for use and scoring of Oral Health Impact …
We assessed how well the overall construct OHRQoL and its four dimensions were measured with several OHIP versions (20, 19, 14, and 5 items) to derive recommendations which instruments should be used and how to score them.
A modified Oral health impact profile (OHIP) questionnaire including both A (general oral condition) and B (extraction related questions) (Appendix Table 2) was used to evaluate the oral...
Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Appraised by OHIP-14 …
The Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) is a questionnaire that measures people’s perception of the social impact of oral disorders on their well-being. Slade in 1997 developed a short-form of it with 14 questions, named OHIP-14 which showed good reliability, validity and precision.
OHIP-14 questionnaire. | Download Scientific Diagram
A questionnaire was administered containing the following instruments: Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14), which measures the quality of life related to oral health; the Summated Xerostomia ...
Use of Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) in Different
2021年12月20日 · The Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) has been used to assess the impact that oral health problems can have on an individual’s life. Different theoretical models were proposed to evaluate the results.
Use of Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) in Different …
The Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) has been used to assess the impact that oral health problems can have on an individual’s life. Different theoretical models were proposed to evaluate the results.
Improving the measurement of oral health-related quality of life…
2021年11月1日 · The 14-item Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) is the most frequently used instrument to measure oral health-related quality-of-life (OHRQoL) in adults. Despite its popularity, its psychometric properties have been predominantly investigated based on the classical test theory while the fundamental principles of measurement have not been fully ...
口腔健康影响程度量表(OHIP-14中文版)的验证及应用研究 - 百度 …
本文研究目的:①建立《口腔健康影响程度量表 (OHIP-14中文版)》,通过对该量表心理测量学性质 (信度,效度)的考评,为其在中国人群中的进一步应用提供理论依据.②应用《口腔健康影响程度量表 (OHIP-14中文版)》在慢性牙周炎患者中进行测评,探讨慢性牙周炎对患者口腔健康相关生存质量的影响,研究量表所反映的生存质量与患者主观症状及临床客观指标之间的关联性,进一... 查看全部>> 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提 …
《口腔健康影响程度量表 (OHIP-14中文版)》与《老年口腔健康评 …
摘要 目的:了解《口腔健康影响程度量表(ohip-14中文版)》与《老年口腔健康评价指数(gohai中文版)》各自特点及应用范围,指导口腔健康相关生存质量临床研究开展。方法:使用两种量表选取60岁以上、无认知障碍及视力疾患的老...
本文研究目的:①建立《口腔健康影响程度量表 (OHIP-14中文版)》,通过对该量表心理测量学性质 (信度、效度)的考评,为其在中国人群中的进一步应用提供理论依据。 ②应用《口腔健康影响程度量表 (OHIP-14中文版)》在慢性牙周炎患者中进行测评,探讨慢性牙周炎对患者口腔健康相关生存质量的影响,研究量表所反映的生存质量与患者主观症状及临床客观指标之间的关联性,进一步验证该中文版量表的临床实用价值。 ③通过在同一老年人群中应用《口腔健康影响程度量表 …
OHIP use and scoring recommendations were derived for psychometrically solid but also practical OHRQoL assessment. Results: Summary scores of 5-, 14-, 19- and 49-item versions correlated highly (r = 0.91-0.98), suggesting similar OHRQoL construct measurement across versions.
ohip14量表计分标准 - 百度文库
OHIP-14量表涵盖7个领域,共14个条目,每一个条目的自我评百度文库包括5个层次,每个层次均有相应的评分,分别为:很经常(4分)、经常(3分)、有时(2分)、很少(1分)、没有(0分),总分为0~56分,量表的得分与OHRQoL水平成反比。 ohip14量表计分标准-ohip14量表计分标准如下:OHIP-14量表涵盖7个领域,共14个条目,每一个条目的自我评百度文库包括5个层次,每个层次均有相应的评分,分别为:很经常(4分)、经常(3分)、有时(2分)、很少(1 …
The Chinese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14 ...
2022年9月17日 · This study found the OHIP-14 Chinese version to be a good tool for assessing the college students' OHRQoL in China, allowing people to conduct self-assessments.
The Chinese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14 ...
We aimed to explore the good fit model structure and test the reliability of the OHIP-14 Chinese version, especially an in-depth analysis of its invariance in gender, in order to provide scientific evidence for reference for the application of the OHIP-14 scale in China.
Validation of the oral health impact profile - 14 in patients with …
The Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) was designed to assess patients’ perception of the impact of oral disorders on their quality of life (QoL). Although the OHIP-14 is now frequently used in patients with head and neck cancer, data related to its measurement properties in this population are scarce.
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