La Leche League Leaders offering support in Oklahoma - Home
Leaders may be contacted by telephone, email, and/or social media for support and information. Contact and meeting information may be found on the page of a Group near you by clicking on the green "Groups" tab above under the "La Leche …
About - La Leche League Leaders offering support in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Leaders-at-large Virtual Meetings Resources About La Leche League: La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing parent-to-parent, peer-to-peer, mother-to-mother support, education, information, and encouragement to those who want to nurse their babies. Leaders are experienced parents ...
La Leche League of Southwest Oklahoma - lllok.org
La Leche League of Southwest Oklahoma offers monthly Series Meetings for breastfeeding support that covers a variety of issues including surviving the early postpartum weeks, managing milk supply, coping with latch issues, mastitis, tongue tie/lip tie, …
Resources - La Leche League Leaders offering support in Oklahoma
Breastfeeding Information Links (LLL USA) New Beginnings Nursing Blog (LLLUSA) Breastfeeding Today (LLLI) La Liga de La Leche (in Español) G et Involved: Consider Becoming a Leader Oklahoma Resources (non-LLL) Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates Oklahoma Mother's Milk Bank: Facebook Pages and Groups La Leche League USA
La Leche League Leaders offering support in Oklahoma
La Leche League of Oklahoma City is not holding meetings at this time. To find the group nearest you please visit