It's OK 和That's OK 各是什么意思 - 百度知道
1、It's OK :没有问题、不成问题,可以的、表示同意、可接受的 【例句】It's OK. I'll be there on time. 没问题,我会按时到的。 2、It's OK :没有关系,用来回答别人的道歉 【例句】It's OK, I understand. 没有关系,我理解。 3、It's OK :好了 【例句】It's ok, I'll show myself out.
is it ok with you和is it ok for you区别 - 百度知道
2024年10月29日 · “Is it OK with you”和“Is it OK for you”这两个短语在日常对话中常被使用,它们的基本含义都是询问对方是否同意或接受某个提议。 然而,这两个短语在具体使用时有所区别。
Difference between "Is that ok?" vs. "Is this ok?" [closed]
Both "Is this OK?" and "Is that OK?" are fine. However, they can be used under varying circumstances. For example, if you are doing work for me, you can place something in front of me (a text or computer screen with information you have created) and say: "Is this OK?"
Okay与OK哪个更礼貌?别再傻傻分不清啦! - 百家号
总结一下, Okay和OK 其实没有什么太大的本质区别,只是在 不同场合下 表现出的语气有所不同。 Okay 略显 正式、礼貌 ,适合职场、正式邮件和较正式的社交场合;而 OK 则更 随意亲切 ,适合日常对话和轻松的场合。
"is this ok?" 和 "is that ok?" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
Similar to それ and これ、'this' and 'that' refers to things near the speaker versus away from the speaker. For example- The sentence "Is that okay?" could be used when asking if someone likes their food, because it is not near the speaker, it becomes 'that' rather than 'this.'
和老外说了"That's OK",为什么他不理我了? - 知乎专栏
That's OK的原意确实是"好的",但经常老外会理解为,你在委婉的拒绝,言下之意就是你不用麻烦了,它和 OK."指的是完全不同的意思。所以上面皮卡丘回答That's OK.
"is this ok?" 和 "is that ok?" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
Similar to それ and これ、'this' and 'that' refers to things near the speaker versus away from the speaker. For example- The sentence "Is that okay?" could be used when asking if someone likes their food, because it is not near the speaker, it becomes 'that' rather than 'this.'
"That's ok." 和 "It's ok." 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
"It's ok" has a comforting meaning, while "that's ok" is more like saying that there is a solution to a problem. They are usually interchangeable, but sometimes one makes more sense. For example, if someone recently suffered the loss of a pet, you would say "it's ok" just to comfort them.
It's OK 和That's OK 各是什么意思 - 百度知道
2024年8月24日 · "It's OK"简单地表达了肯定和接受,相当于中文的"好的"、"没问题"或"一切都好",如例句所示:"没问题,我可以和我的朋友一块儿来",表明同意或对某种情况表示满意。
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