OMS is the only open and standardized energy metering system that integrates the consumption values of all energy sectors into one system: Electricity, gas, thermal energy, water – in …
Specification - Open Metering System Group
The OMS specification currently consists of 3 parts that describe and define the essential properties of an Automatic Meter Readout (AMR) system in accordance with the OMS …
Open metering system - Wikipedia
The open metering system of the Open Metering System Group e.V. stands for a manufacturer- and media-independent standardization for Meter-Bus (M-Bus) based communication between …
Certified Products - Open Metering System Group
Would you like to stand out from the competition and have independent confirmation that your products comply with OMS specifications as well as national and international standards? Get …
Open Metering System (OMS) - Lansen Systems
The Open Metering System (OMS) is the only system definition across Europe which integrates all media (electricity, gas, heat and water incl. submetering) into one system. It was developed …
Home – M-Bus
M-Bus (Meter-Bus) is a European standard (EN 13757-2 physical and link layer, EN 13757-3 application layer) for the remote reading of water meter, gas or electricity meters. M-Bus is …
Wireless M-Bus / OMS - WEPTECH elektronik GmbH
Wireless M-bus /OMS is the only open and cross-vendor communication standard for smart metering based on European / international standards. Wireless M-Bus / OMS integrates all …
OMS Wireless M-Bus (wM-Bus) - Lansen Systems
OMS wireless M-Bus (wM-Bus) is a European open standard (EN 13757) that integrates all meters and sensors into one system with full interoperability. Lansen supports the OMS …
OMS-Group e.V. - figawa.org
Intelligent OMS meters are a prerequisite for saving energy with smart grids, smart homes and the optimal integration of sources of renewable energy. Version 3.x provides an interoperable …
Startseite - Open Metering System Group
OMS ist das einzige offene und standardisierte Energie-Messsystem, das die Verbrauchswerte aller Energiesparten in ein System integriert: Elektrizität, Gas, thermische Energie, Wasser – …